Michael Coates

"non-lethally roughed up" Is that what you call rape where you come from? How heartless for someone who professes to be so caring.

Thanks! I'll have to check it out :)

I put your description on the tipofmytongue subreddit and within 5 minutes someone suggested 'The Tingler' - is this what you were referring to?

This film is far better than the original. In every conceivable way. AV Club gives a B+ for this an A- for the original. Good lord.

No posts on here in 7 years so doubt anyone will every read this but I had to laugh at the last line… 'Fincher would be hard-pressed to do better.' - I mean holy shit, even 7 years ago Fincher's genius was obvious and the original TGWTDT is average at best. I found this while searching for a review of Fincher's

When I first saw them I was 21/22 years old and I was adamant from Vol.1 was superior by a distance but over the years I've come to realise that while they are both superb, overall I prefer Vol.2 which just seems more nuanced and focused. Kill Bill as a whole is my favourite by Tarantino, who is in turn my favourite

Easily the most positive bit of writing I have read on this film and while I am really glad you loved it so much, I would have to disagree on every point.

I'm glad someone feels that way because that was clearly the intention. Sorry, but I cannot get on board with that point of view though, I thought it was very poorly executed.

I think they are equally bad for different reasons but I wouldn't argue with anyone about which is worse as I can see clear arguments for both camps.

I can't agree on your point about The Martian. It is, for the most part, an excellent film with great directing. Covenant… not so much of course but I don't think RS has lost it just yet.

Fair enough but I can't agree with any of that, the moment she sprayed full on in the face with his blood made all subsequent actions pointless and very stupid in my opinion.

How can a twist be effective if you saw it coming 20 minutes before it even happened. That's a contradiction surely?

To be fair, he's really good in it! Fassbender is also excellent. The problems of the movie sink way way lower than either of these two actors.

This is a pointless argument, some people prefer Alien to Aliens and vice verse. They are both excellent films that shouldn't even be compared because they are so different. Alien is my favourite horror of all time, Aliens is my favourite action film of all time.


The first film definitely stands up, we watched it last Christmas and laughed a lot but… the next day we put on the second movie and it was awful. I remember liking it a lot but it has definitely not aged well. We got half way through before switching it off and didn't even try the third one which I suspect is better.

I did!

“What the hell—she can apparate now?!”

Good comment.

Yes I thought that too. Apparently they wanted her blood as full Killer Frost to work on a cure so I guess a bracelet or neckless or whatever would come after that and I guess they didn't have time before Savitar came back. But yeah, I would've gone for the bracelet immediately and got her out of there too.