Michael Coates

Quite amusing that apparently everyone knew it would be future Barry when all I read last week was how Savatar is Ronnie Raymond on this very website's comment sections.

"Lecy appeared on Larry King with the cast of Roseanne and objected to episodes that focused on homosexuality. She referred to herself as "a good Christian.""

I caught the 8 years one at the end and went… 'wait… what?' - even in this episode it was mentioned that he came from 2017 several times and obviously we see the newspaper date. Are they that daft to mess up something so simple? The alternative you propose would be odd since we've seen and heard nothing to suggest

It's not Caitlyn that he has to win over though, it's Killer Frost. I don't know who it is but I'm not convinced it's Ronnie…

A good review should be informed, considered and entertaining. It's not just an opportunity to slag off a show you don't like, especially on a site like the AV Club that encourages discussion.

D+ - a final fuck you to fans of the show from a reviewer so unsuited to this show he doesn't even watch closely enough to know what's going on. Hopefully we can get a reviewer who actually enjoys the show and is happy to judge each episode on it's merits. There are good and bad episodes in every series but Homeland

Ladies and Gentlemen, we're back and I am so excited!! Great review by Erik and as usual the smartest, funniest commentators for a TV show are out in force again!

I think the problem lies in that whoever reviews TWD is a fan and so gives enjoyable/favourable reviews to other fans and ours for Homeland hates the show and so we get dour, bitter reviews that fans of the show can't enjoy at all. That's no fun!

Couldn't disagree more.

I don't think it was implied that the kid knew that, the judge asked if it was loaded and Carrie confessed.

I know but I write and I'd do a better job so the offer is on the table!

I'll do it, I'm throwing my hat in the ring.

Homeland continues to be an intelligent, thought provoking drama that moves and shocks in equal measures. It's gripping, engaging, well crafted and well acted.

Also B+? Are you kidding me?

Another boring, waste of time, filler episode. I really really hate any episode that focuses mainly on one or two characters at this stage because it's dull and rarely gives any real development either to them or the story. I feared the worst with the intro and I just knew it would be another one of those episodes.


So we’re looking for a relative of an Academy worker who attended the 2003 Awards, took the seat of someone invited who left (about 7 or 8 rows front the front) and was an extra in Master and Commander.

I'm sure you could be polite to them!

Compelling TV I think. Tragic that TWD gets a B and this gets a B- because TWD is boring as sin and this show is really engaging all the time.

Judging by the review and comments I was the only one bored shitless by this episode…