Michael Coates

Hallo-fucking-ween… Get the fuck out of here.

I was fine with the episode, I don't expect all out action in Homeland, not sure I ever really did. I don't mind if it spends a few episodes moving the pieces into place though it might want to start picking things up a little now… It remains intriguing and well made to me, however… Quinn.

I'd argue it is an arc based show. We have two Jedi and we're zeroing in on the start of the original trilogy where there are no Jedi left. We know there must be an end point to Rebels and we're all excited to get there and see what happens. There are lots of ongoing plots that are great but every now and again we

I love Rebels but the filler episodes are always a bore and make no mistake, this is a filler episode. I knew it would be crap when everyone left at the start… nearly turned it off but stuck with it. Pointless.

How about…

The British show about a fictional Scottish band called 'Young Persons Guide To Becoming a Rock Star' was amazing though.

Lol :D

I love this movie so much and the soundtrack is totally jerkin’! I guess I was the right age because it hit me right as I was into pop punk so I had this compilation album on repeat. I always took it more seriously than it might have been intended to be. Shapeshifter was my favourite track then and probably still is

It's a technicality really. It's one story split in two and this was decided upon at the start and made explicit at the end of part 1 at the time, so not really a sequel.

I love both westerns and I.B. but yes, I would love a more contemporary film next!

The films do the talking though don't they! I don't mind a bit of arrogance if it's warranted. For what it's worth I think Sally Menke did amazing work but I disagree that the quality of his work went downhill after her passing.

I genuinely love all his films except for Death Proof which I still enjoy for what it is and for what it means to QT himself. It's part of his story and legacy and I think it'll be viewed more favourably in the future.

The beauty of Plinkett is that he is harsh (but truthful and insightful) on the films. TFA wasn't a bad film so there was no need to go into deep analysis in the same way.

That's because TFA is not a steaming pile of shit like the prequels.

I'm so pleased to see a positive review as I'm watching this tomorrow and I'm hopefuly it'll be good. That being said I was thinking about how I would have gone about a new Ghostbusters film and the direction I would have taken if I had been in Mr Feig's shoes and I decided to write out what came to me. I believe the

Illusion, Michael. A trick is something a whore does for money…

Someone else said it but it rings true, the movie doesn't trick you, it just lies to you. How clever…

B again eh? You fooled me last time A.V .Club, not today though…

3 years later and after someone convinced me to watch this ('because it's something you'd like'), you've summed my thoughts up really rather well. I don't know if I'm more annoyed with the film or the dumbass at work who assumed I'd like it - what must he think of me? :(

Exactly, my dad's eyesight is starting to diminish, I recommended he just get a large HD screen because it's cheaper and he won't be able to tell the difference. Common sense and the same holds true for audio as well.