Michael Coates

Not sure if they have this outside the UK but there's a famous pie maker called Fray Bentos; not quite the same spelling sadly but I know that's what I was thinking of when she served them up!

Not that it matters, and not that I care what you in particular think but I read the list for a hell of a lot longer than 11 minutes before returning to the top, posting that and then seeing all the new comments come in. It doesn't refresh as you read them. Perhaps you'll excuse me for thinking you're a bit of an arse?

I've already explained myself so you know what, fuck off.

I know you're being sarcastic but I'm only just getting into GoT lore and mythology so this took me by surprise and I wasn't sure if it made sense. I looked through and read comments but I guess this was addressed earlier as I couldn't see people talking about it so I wanted to confirm.

"She dies from delivering Jon, but not before she whispers to Ned that
he—meaning Rhaegar—“must not find out,” and what sounds like Jon’s true

"The topline stuff is what's important" I read this as topless stuff at first.

It's probably because people are constantly dying. Women in child birth, men in battle, disease etc etc… Keeping the family name going is hard work and if you look into the mythology of it all, plenty of houses died out - we witnessed one house dying out just last week…

Anyone else laugh out loud when Tomann just casually topped himself? Seemed to come a little out of nowhere that; no words, just a moment of reflection and… I guess I'll just chuck myself out of the window.

There's no one else left now!

But would he? Being a bastard an all… Or were R + L married?

Thanks :)

Jon Targaryen confirmed. Lady Stoneheart being ommited… pretty much confirmed.

Sometimes the geography on this show confuses me a little, the Iron Islands aren't close to Meereen at all, that must have been one hell of a journey but it didn't seem to take much out of the Iron born and it didn't seem to take them that long to get there - how long could it possibly take for Dany to get to King's

Why do you say that?

Whitney… ugh :(

Yeah it's always been this slow. My favourite way to describe GoT is that it's a show where lots of things happen but nothing actually happens at all. It's quite frustrating even though I love it… If we go back to episode 1 of the entire series, despite some deaths what really has changed for our main characters?

Up vote for terminator t-waifthousand :D

You used the word monster first, I merely said that she 'inches closer to being a monster than it may be comfortable to admit' - I wouldn't have used that word had you not earlier. If someone says something monstrous is it that much of a stretch to say they inch themselves closer to becoming one if they don't change

Honestly, I think with the views she holds, she inches closer to being a monster than it may be confortable for people to think. Views like those infect society and quite simply must be stamped out.

I'm referring to this website, I don't go searching every corner of the internet and I didn't say she wouldn't get any abuse. The story you linked to is desperately sad and that woman has my sympathy. I don't want the Good English drummer to go through loads of abuse but then I don't want anyone to go through abuse,