Michael Coates

I haven't seen anyone who is against what she said say anything remotely close to "I hope you get raped, you bitch, and then you'll see what it feels like". Talk about hyperbole and misrepresenting people.

I think in times like these it makes sense to be pragmatic, take your time and come to a rational conclusion. If you need to make a statement it should be measured and thoughtful. This women did none of this and yes I can state that that I wouldn't have done the same.

Not everyone, just those that publicly display supreme levels of ignorance and stupidity.

I don't think (she?) speaks for any of us.

Don't be so sure…

I'm afraid it appears her views are ingrained and she doesn't understand why people are disgusted by this. I'm sure she thinks she's done nothing wrong and has taken a reasonable position on the matter like most people who blame political correctness and drinking as the cause for savage acts might. Until she actually

No it isn't, if I owned a venue I wouldn't want her and her stupid views in it. Actions have consequences. I wonder if she'll say she'd been drinking when she typed it and blame that…

She should get an intelligent adult to vet her statements from now on.

Brock Turner has been trying to spin this story to be about drinking culture since day one, essentially trying to rewrite the narrative to one that puts him in a more favourable position or even as a vitim himself. He hasn't directly apologised for what he did, or admitted he was at fault but instead blames drinking


It's just one of many highlights on this album! Pure pop bangers :)

What's wrong with the Oxford Comma? :(

Oleg asked Tatiana how her computer expert did and she said very well too. The show is subtle but the pieces are there if you study it. I'm grateful so many on here do :)

Not a bad assumption to make sure but it really should have been addressed in the show. It's complicated enough already…

Yeah I guess that would work but it needed explaining if that's the case because as far as I can tell, that's just a guess. No one on the show brought that up which was very weird.

No, that's not what I meant. I know he's from Earth 3, I'm just trying to figure out how all this works. If Earth 2's Jay is Barry's dad like on Earth 1 (though with different names) then why would Earth 3 be so different?

If a B is a low grade then I did very badly indeed at school…

Disgraceful comment :(

People who were worried about certain characters leaving need not if they go through with this as you can just say that everyone who died before is now alive again. Wells? He's back no problem, Henry? Back and never went to jail, Eddie? Back and kickin' ass…

So is Earth 2 Jay Garrick, Earth 2 Barry's dad?