Michael Coates

I know, I'm fucking mad aren't I!

To be more fair he was trying to spear Drogon and kill him so best to haul ass out of there!

Phew! This comment section is great compared to the experts who only whinge about logistics! I understand the issues fully and am a massive GoT fan but come on, this is all about spectacle and the characters now. I'm having a blast this season and it's nice to finally see some commenters who also are!

Suspension of disbelief re: Travelling times for characters and logistics.

Maybe Jon has sent them something (though there's nothing to suggest that), if he hasn't then it's rather foolish yes.

2. That's not information that you want getting into the wrong hands. Better to be said in person.

LF said it in private to Varys, not Sansa.

She's totally aware her mother is dead so there really isn't anyone else is could have been.

Absolutely but I'm trying to ignore it because it's bullshit :D

I took it more as a disbelieving response to the guards but truthfully it's just weird writing that serves no purpose. If I had to put money on it I'd say that the tone of her voice was meant to be different, as if to say 'there is no Lady Stark' only to then be told Sansa is there, alive and well.

Yes exactly. Very interesting scene for the audience that one!

It's hard to recall everything but I believe only two White Walkers have been killed so far, one with dragon glass by Samwell and the other by Jon with Longclaw at Hardhome. They are all fully aware that both dragon glass and Valyrian steel kill White Walkers.

It's not that simple, what possible reason could LF have for suddenly thinking that Bran is all seeing and all knowing? He'll be intrigued and perhaps a little scared yes but he's more likely to think it's an odd coincidence than Bran being the three eyed raven.

He's not been very successful with Sansa this season either. If I were him I'd do one and get as far away from Winterfell as I could.

Yes he won't really know much at the minute but he will be spooked and wonder if Bran might know that and if he does then how…?

Chaos is a ladder.


We have the show runners to thank for that monstrosity, it's certainly not the way it played out in the books and I don't take the character we've seen in the show as that kind of a man at all. That scene = total travesty of writing.

I'm not necessarily sticking up for him but of all the bad things he's done and given the context and time period in which it was done you can kind of see why he did it. Trying to kill Bran is terrible of course but the alternative is outing his relationship with his sister and ruining them both. I can understand why

I'm not saying it's not logical, I agree that it was the right move. My only gripe is that it did come out of nowhere, it's not once mentioned that she's going anywhere, she just shows up despite the conversations had before it.