Michael Coates

Billboard Beauty by Kinesis gets my vote!

Yes, I saw a video of Mark Gatiss explaining that it will be repeated on pbs on the 10th Jan. I'd get a free vpn like hola (chrome addon) or something and just watch it on BBC iPlayer though if I were you.

B for me. The actual review suggests a B as well as far as I can tell so a shame to see it with a C - the writing, performances, set designs and costumes alone were all grade A material.

I suppose it's possible! The Americans is my number one show so always happy to see it being brought up!


Dude, I'm not disagreeing with you, those are all stupid things but the point I'm trying to get across is that they are issues with the writing being inconsistant. She is portrayed and referred to throughout the series as being brilliant at what she does. Nevermind, I can't be bothered to argue over something we

When is she clear on that? Also, we never see Kilgrave control someone using gestures.

Right ok, but my point was that this was a one off and an error in judegement by the writers. She is shown to be amazing at her job except in this instance. You stated that she is inept and doesn't know what's going on but apart from this one scene, what leads you to that conclusion?

Why you think she's inept despite her being very good throughout. Sorry, I'm just not sure how you can't to that conclusion.

And yet you keep replying without addressing it.

She's a P.I. and a damned good one at that. I don't get how you found her to be inept at all.

As early as the scene in her apartment the papers for Hope's release are signed though - did she really need him at that point? I need to watch that apartment scene again.

But it's not established that she is anything other than amazing at her job!

I did not get any of that from the show, nor did I think it was implied. For instance, the times I mentioned where JJ should have killed him were after Hope's release and her name being cleared had been completely secured. She doesn't appear to need Kilgrave at all at that point. If (in her apartment) he mentioned he

And the white and blue pills as well…

10 was my least favourite episode for so many reasons.

SPOILERS - I'm guessing this is the place we discuss the season as a whole right?

There are red, white and blue pills for a reason - Nuke even has the stars and stripes tattooed on his face…

She's Danny Rand's lawyer right?

Except the execution of whatever plan they had which immediately backfired. Great set up no doubt, poor pay off though.