Michael Coates

I think this nails that scene expertly.

Edited - moved to main AV Club page (I think)

Good day to you sir.

That's awesome but if a film like Empire isn't enough to get you to check out the directors other work then I don't know what to tell you.

The only thing you should assume from now on is that you're probably wrong.


As a huge Empire fan, I have seen other films by Kershner. Why would you assume I hadn't?

Wrong again!

I'm still waiting to hear why exactly they don't deserve our hatred…

Enjoy them all you want but expect a healthy discussion if you compare then to the OT…

It's destroyed anyway because he's called Skywalker. It's not a huge leap for a new viewer to make…

You're wrong.

Maybe! Not like any of us have actually seen that yet though…

Jedi weapon…

I don't give two shits about the prequels but when every time George fucks with the OT, I curse his name.

The Empire Strikes Back is pure Kershner. Wash your mouth out.

The second one is the best by some distance.

You're not meant to like Plinkett, you're meant to look beyond the character to get to the heart of a serious critique of the films.

They're shit. Get over it.

Because they are cool.