Michael Coates

I was too young to understand it. I always thought it looked weird but no one could explain it to me!

Same for those 'In Stereo Where Available' signs!

No :(

On the commentary, Wes and Hayden discussed it. They didn't outright say she did survive, just confirmed that she might have - which is basically saying she did really :)

Thanks again! :)

To be fair, throughout the whole show pretty much every character made several questionable decisions…

Thanks! The list below is everything I need to check out, plenty there I haven't even heard of so many thanks for taking the time to write that!

Wow, it's amazing how one scene can stay with someone even if it turns out to be complete schlock. There are definitely some horror films I need to re-evaluate (thank you for the recommendations) - I'll make a point of doing so in the future I'm sure - I guess I'll start with NoES… I'll make to watch during the

Hi, no it doesn't seem like my thing and as much as I love HP, I'm not sure that's enough of a reason to watch. That being said, I've just read some decent reviews so maybe I'll dip my toe in at one point.

It was really rather poor but I stuck it out to the end and then they implemented my favourite character (no spoilers) which annoyed me greatly. They could have done so much better.

I still love Lillard in this film! I used to often repeat 'It's a Scream baby!' much to my parents annoyance. His improv at the end of the film was great too - he's one of those actors I really loved to watch in a particular role but never really did anything good after Scream, much like Devon Sawa after Final

Hayden Panettiere's best role for me, she was great in this film which was a fitting end to the franchise if not as good as the first two. I re-watched Scream 3 recently - it was better than I remembered (though not great) and I definitely didn't hate it.

Not that I have seen it but I understand Wes Craven's New Nightmare did a similar thing before Scream. Someone (Kermode perhaps?) described it as almost like a test run for Scream and I remember seeing a clip and buying that explanation.

I recently went through all of Fincher's films and was very impressed by Zodiac - any more recommendations for films with a similar theme?

Great post. Scream is easily my favourite horror film but that's mainly because I have a soft spot for 80's/90's American teen culture and a general dislike for horror films. I don't know why, I think I always wanted a film to make me think rather than scare the pants off me and I never saw anything in horror that I

What's a mericule virgin?

Mercuric: Relating to or containing mercury, especially with a valence of 2.

She was just blank and expressionless all film, no warmth, nothing likeable (or hateable) - just nothing… I thought she was great in HoC but unless there were devils hands controlling the edit here, she put in a poor performance.

Yes it has heart and yes the actors commit. It's a commendable effort given the time and budget for sure but I think people give it too much credit, mainly because it's fun to rag on the big budget FF films. This film isn't good by any stretch (pun!) and was clearly never intended to be released, it was there to hold

No, but she was definitely cool at one point.