Michael R Trice

No CleganeBowl. No Stoneheart. This show is getting ready to kill another Stark by season end just to remind us to stop hoping.

Obviously the Internet is waiting for a supercut of Bronn and Jamie v Bronn and Tyrion.

Previews lend some questions about Blackfish's role. But now I just want cookies.

Sansa did one of two things with Chekhov's Unread Script(tm):

And her entire characterization since season 1.

Batman's an engineer.

I don't understand the need to have Margery's angle fully explained in this episode. Everything we know about her suggests this a long con to keep the people on her side and retain as much power as she can. She almost certainly has a plan for her brother and how to gain an edge on the Sparrow, who she needs to balance

Yep. This. My feeling after most episodes and 210% this time. I'll never be as committed to any project as Green is to this series.

Yep. And that theme is toyed with further as Varys is challenged by someone with access to mystical "truth".

One element that truly worked for me was the play. How it morphed unknown agents like Little Finger and Varys into Tyrion was a nice touch on how history is an unreliable reconstruction of the past.

I assume this series will end in the same manner. It's built for it now.

Or a beholder. Good guy beholder.

I really wanted a dragon in those sewers.

I love Were-Wu.

It's candy for me. It's become stunning, high end candy, but I still see it as candy. Some lovely character moments aside, the nutritional versus sensual ratio has never been that high. What it does do is make excellent use of those rare moments of human resonance.

You're all wrong. 1991 was awful. Break Like the Wind didn't come out until 1992.

As much as this show screams guilty pleasure, I'm regularly shocked at how good it can be. Of a kind with Farscape in that way.

Cersei is setting up House Tyrell. That army is going into King's Landing for the slaughter. There's no proof about the walk and I'm a tad disappointed everyone is wading into her scheme so easily.

Also, man, Hank is such a better person than Wesley ever was.

Hank's love life would make an amazing country song.