Michael R Trice

Can a show be "the good version" of Twilight?

Yep. Lash's death was not needed at this point.

Of course, maybe I over enjoyed the Fitz-Daisy bit due to my past two weeks cleaning WP of spam bots.

I don't know, I buy that Lincoln is an idiot. It might be easier if he was 19, but being an idiot is better than bland.

Yeah, I don't want to put Penny Dreadful on the same tier as Deadwood, but the love of language is there.

If we could get The Strain team to watch this episodeā€¦

Yeah, they are not messing around about end game territory now.

Frodo lives!

Someone build this app, stat.

Krypto's in the pod. It's Krypto.

Wolfram and Hexenbeast

I'm shocked at how many sites are treating this as credible. How far back do you have to go to trace four Cameron directed films excluding documentaries? Hint: No Clinton had ever served in the White House.

Whitehall is under appreciated.

Not Fade Away remains my favorite series finale.

I love Grimm, but I'm denial that it's going to have more seasons than Angel. It feels weird.

Wait. Isn't Black Siren coming to Flash from Earth 2? Is Arrow receiving an Earth 2 replacement?

Sneak attack!

Okay, last rancor before bed.

So was Neegan beating the audience to death or was that symbolism for the slow, soul-crushing experience of being a writer for this episode?

Tad surprised that Flobots No Handlebars didn't make the list.