Michael R Trice

It's understated writing that highlights how well Vader fits the Star Wars universe.

"I don't fear you."

That was one cheesy episode.

Wasn't blown away by this episode, but loved two parts:

CW Flash might make that leap. I mean over S2. Not S1.

In this allegory for our time, is Superman Trump or Cruz?

Dammit. Missed the H. Thanks.

Chekhov's jail.

Most Angel-esque episode in a long time. Lead lying to a loved one. Hidden child threats. Two types of magic items. Really were a song away from Maximum Angel.

Might be the only episode so far that I would consider a must watch with the movies for canonical purposes.

Sometimes permanent imprisonment that immediately leads to death in the narrative is just permanent imprisonment that immediately leads to death.

Barry taunting Turtle as the cell closed seemed a tad dark.

You know, we have SHIELD and HYDRA on an alien planet. I'm not sure I understand the focus of this review and I kinda enjoy Sava. This seems like Jessica Jones withdrawal.

My inner 12-year-old is completely fine with Chopper as HK-47.

It's definitely aimed solidly at the 11-15 or so range. I liked this episode pretty well. The self-referential bits were cartoon fun and I quite like Chopper as the heir to HK-47.

I have four kids. I can feel their pain, but it's still their pain. Less poignantly but slightly more on point, he's just not that impulsive of a character. Stubborn and protective but not impulsive.

But still least direct of all those present.

Or not be you in this case.

It was a bit odd that the strongest reaction came from the person with the least direct loss. You be you, Joe.

Agent At-Least-I'm-Not-An-Inhuman-Killing-Machine.