Michael R Trice

Yeah, I bobbled a good genre code for that element. Yet, when Hannibal is pacing like a wolf and rips out the guys throat, it's accurate if inelegant.

Not even the glorious Fet laugh at the thought of grand larceny Cardinal-style could make up for that.

"Eph, when will you ever tell me what happened in D.C.?"

Some group's runner has to find it in six weeks.

The fact that LA is surrounded by desert, mountains, and ocean makes it an especially nice death trap. Of course, so is New England and its never ending population density.

The Strain of the Walking Dead

So much worked in this series, but the balance between quoting text and going completely off the reservation was tops.

This was the greatest love story, greatest high fantasy final battle, and greatest hunt scene all in one.

Man, they made the bars being open seem believable by setting the scene after that Coco-Palmer hook-up. That's how you structure suspension of disbelief.

I love that all the Master really cares about in a host is being tall.

I'm pretty set on making Drizzt D'strigoi happen.

Drizzt D'strigoi seemed to come from a better, more interesting class of B-movie.

Can't be too careful with privacy settings.

Well, that makes the Reed Richards-Susan Storm relationship uncomfortable. Thanks.

Yeah, the "dropped plot points" are definitely a reviewer issue, but the criticisms about frequent detours into ham-fisted writing and protagonist blindspots are keeping this an average series. I think it's hard to argue this is good satire, but I agree that it's enjoyable farce.

Glad to see Tara is finding more stable partners these days.

Right. This could have been interesting commentary if it had been set in El Paso or Omaha. Or Lagos. But, no, it had to be NYC.

The past works because it's not saddled with the ridiculous contrivances of the present. I will never accept that NYC isn't under martial law with drones, tanks, and barricades everywhere. Then napalmed when that fails.


Those production values. I very nearly skipped that car commercial.