Michael R Trice



I feel bad for non-readers again. By every fiction convention, Jon was just set up as the savior in the last 20 minutes of this episode. And then—

Grosse Pointe Blank. Ghostbusters. Galaxy Quest.

I thank everything that I was born during the early age of the Internet. It's the best meaninglessness life has ever had to offer.

Hair today. Golem tomorrow.

Far too little discussion of Tyrion whipping the holder of his chains..

"It's barely social engineering."

This was my favorite episode of the season, though I was hoping for a alt space pregnancy.

I do wonder how much the multiverse plays into how the TV series will deal with one another and the films. I suspect the films just won't give a damn.

As someone who has done usability testing, that focus group was the best bit of TV I've ever witnessed. I adore this show.

"What do we do here?"

That's so Angel.

Plus, a Food of the Gods homage should be loved.

I think that's the International name for Homicide: Life on the Streets.

Any episode with a Food of the Gods tribute sequence is at least an A-.

Experts thread, right? I think the biggest spoiler of the season could be showing a Stannis death in the post-blizzard battle around ep 9.

Stannis steals two episodes in a row and makes it look easy this time.

I feel not coming to the aid of her caretaker being slaughtered might be too much control. That's more restraint than Yoda leading a U.N. weapons inspection task force.

Next season's opener. They need casting time and the cliffhanger will result in aging TV toddler syndrome.