Michael R Trice

It really was a fridging, though it's main developmental factor was for Julliette and not Nick.

Now, if they killed Bud I'd be angry. That's like killing Lorne.

Not even sexual for me. That guy's a work of art.

Nah. It feels increasingly Angel-esque. I'm pretty excited.

Super baby did go awfully quiet, however. Awfully quiet.

But clear shots of that chest now.

It's difficult to say. The kid's power level makes the Falling Skies star baby look stable and well-defined.

I'd rather have her on SHIELD continuing to lead was is essentially a female-driven cast. Coulson's title not withstanding, the three best characters are women.

But D20th episode could have been a critical success.

Overall, A.R.T. died too infrequently in season 1. I expect this to be rectified in season 2.

The Wolf of God? So much for my quiet hope of the Lepus Dei.

You know, that never occurred to me when I binged watched. I think you may be right.

I'm pretty sure they can curse and do(?) at times. I thought the bleeping was a creative decision.


Gonzales: "Sometimes we make sacrifices for the Greater Good."
Mockingbird: "The Greater Good."
Gonzales: "So say we all."

A+ on the pong gag.

And it's likely meaningless, but Christie's red carpet comments abut the show approaching the end and enjoying it while she can has my anxious.

That would be a tough dynamic to lose. Maybe Littlefinger if Sansa ends up with Bolton.


Well, if they're adding Tyrion as an adviser, her court is getting crowded.