Michael R Trice

All that Red Bull to finish the code. Reminds me of my Red Bull and adderall days to make deadlines for Mongoose Games. Good times.

Yes. Pedantic book readers have to pedant.

Bronn's fancy suit killed me, but the bromance was strong in that scene. Strongest of the three potential champions even in rejection.

"Good. Bad. I'm the guy who knows where the heart is." -The Hound

Clearly there's more of a The Who dynamic with those two.

The lighting in that scene was magnificent. He looked coiled and contemplative the entire time—and hungry. Doubt even the fight scene will make him feel more like the Viper than he did in the prison pit.

Only emphasizes that Brienne and Pod are the Monkees to Arya and the Hound's Beatles.

The lighting to make him look like a viper when he talked about killing the Mountain. Oh my.

I could watch Arya and the Hound's treatise on death and justice for hours. So long as it was paced with sufficient stabby stabby.

I'm sure some of us watch after coming home on a Friday night.

Well, he was at a wedding.

If Nick losing his powers resolves the Nick-Juliet relationship issues for good, it'll be a smart move. The two aren't a great will they or won't they couple and should move into settled territory. But if he gets his powers back and we have a new cycle of tensions, I think people will have every right to feel cheated

"Whomever is pursuing who; I intend to eat them." There's your series synopsis.

Least sacred flesh on television? Most sacred? Dark Comedy? Absurdest suspense thriller? I look forward to Galavant only to see if something more mind-bending than Hannibal can last on television.

I'm going to miss Paxton's insane but pitch perfect hamminess. I really wanted a "game over" scream when Coulson shot him.

Agent Bottom Feeder

Organ donor parable might be the most original Coen-esque element yet. That was spot on style homage.

In retrospect, Alfie Allen might be Dinklage's biggest in show challenge. He's nailing a very physical performance.


They were right up there with "call me elf one more time."