Michael R Trice

We need a web series of Dinklage reading famous monologues. Stat.

That it walked a line between wrestling villain and give me liberty or give me death is why he deserves the Emmy.

I have to disagree. This episode felt the most like a Mike Judge story so far. In many ways, it was like the 30-minute soul of a distilled Judge movie. I confess that does mean it didn't feel too connected to the overall narrative, but the stand alone constructions were 180 proof.

Agent Universe Feels

It's hit and miss too, but has a structure much more akin to an Angel/Buffy hybrid. They even added a Faith stand-in this season. However, Alexis is the Big Bad, which is fun as hell.

And more exciting in 2 seconds than the entire original episode.

And then he forces them to build Grimm hunting weapons.

Really enjoyed this episode. Fitz as a faithful puppy dog felt a little on the nose, however.

Thanks for this. Not sure my students will be thanking you as I calculate grades to Alice in Chains all day.

Late middle school here too. Introduced to them by my father. Let's not explore that any further.

Those elements were clearly the money angle in the series, though the math metaphysics and spy stuff were vital to the Earth-side plotting.

Well, the earlier novels are pretty set on the spy versus spy angle, though it definitely starts falling by the wayside as the series progresses. Though I do think the nostalgia would be a nice element.

You know, I'd say the Cold War elements would come off as so dated, but it might just be the right moment to make that work.

I hold out hope that Ward is a mildly sympathetic bad for a season or two and then bites it. He's crossed the line where only self-sacrifice can redeem.

Agent Spikewas Anazitoo

It's a bit of a no-win situation as a reviewer. The episodes are so serialized that you can only review them in the context of what follows. I do think that means allowing an episode like this to set the pace is fine. Some of the CGI criticism are fair, however. Saying it wasn't entertaining seems a bridge too far.

"I wouldn't go in there with us either." "I wish I had a good answer for that." Hank's mild but steady resistance to integration is likely the best element of the show.

Hannibal now has better Marvel villains than Agents of Shield with Iron Kraven tonight.

There is not enough Cones of Dunshire in this review. I hear that GenCon is hosting a live event around Dunshire. I'm just saying. And Andy running around collecting his winnings in that scene was amazing. Seriously, I'd watch a Grzzly spinoff or a Dunshire spinoff.

SAC has it here. It was A) a big "we" moment and B) about financial stress, which certainly didn't seem to imply it was about Knope packing it in for kids.