Michael Reynaga

I think high speed rail can be successful in the US for connecting large cities like LA and SF but it will all depend on cost of travel, at those speeds it would take about 2 hours to get to SF from LA (driving takes about 6 / flying takes about 1) but it would have to be considerably cheaper than flying.

this looks so dumb! if thats the only announcement they make I'm gonna be disappointed

@eebrenner: the only place I know of that sells them is REI but they are always sold out (at least they were when I was shopping for them)

@vein11: nope it will start @ $500. and you are incorrect in saying that "it will be more expensive if anything" first gen iPhone was more expensive than its successors

@deslockwildstar: except I already have a mifi so I have no use for the 3G version. so while I agree for most users you have to compare at $630 thats not the case for me. which is why I originally

@Matt0505: right but I won't get a 3G version (already have a mifi) and will not need 32GB's 16 has been plenty so far.

@w1llk - Undoubtedly Cookies: their site was actually fine, I logged in to order one as well but decided to hold off since it won't arrive until next Thursday anyway

@FauxReal: Agreed, got one, returned it and am now rocking an Incredible with vanilla gingerbread

@blash: I don't think so. AT&T when planning for the original iPhone estimated way too low for the increase in data usage (I've read they were expecting 5-6 times the data usage and the increase was something like 15 fold) and by all accounts so far Verizon is shooting extremely high, after seeing how bad AT&T's

@yoshi: hence the title of the article EARLY REVIEWS

I am very intrigued, will be getting either this or the iPad2 but another big differentiator will be pricing. the iPad2 will start at $500, if this thing is $800+ as some rumors have suggested there is no way I'll get it.

@Killjoy: thats true my balance has been much better while running and especially hiking on uneven ground or rocks

@phoenix: totally agree, its just hard to pass up something as nice and functional as the Apple TV for $100.

@SilverBlade2k: all of my downloaded content is in 720P MKV format. so its fine for me.

I've got 2 pair, one for running (Sprint's) and one for casual everday (classics) Love them both

@mrm: do it, my knee pains went away when I switched.

@whatne1wuddo: I fussed with that for about 10 mins to, make sure it is NOT plugged into power when you connect it to your mac and as soon as you plug it in hold the remote keys for 7 seconds.

@wingbatwu: haha, I agree, was kidding but a bottle opener is ALWAYS a handy thing to have