
“I’m going to speculate that there actually is no “Good Place” and the whole system is meant to keep anyone from finding out.”

A subsequent season has the entire gang working in Michael-like capacity in a special “place” (created by Michael), helping people from The Bad Place who have been deemed worthy of a “second chance” get into The Good Place. They shepherd them towards redemption via their own experiences, advice, and interaction

Remains of the Day.
Anthony Hopkins says more with his eyes in 3 seconds than 250 pages of dry-as-Melania’s-cooter internal monologue

I love Luc Besson. “Le Femme Nikita” is one of my all-time favorites. This is the man who made “Leon: The Professional”. But I walked out of “The Messenger”.

“Remains of the Day”
I know Kazuo Ishiguro just won the Nobel Prize for literature, but the novella pales in self-important comparison to the brilliant, beautiful movie. Anthony Hopkins does more with his eyes in this film than with any line of dialogue.

In the late 90’s I worked for an Australian-themed steak joint, which at the time, was a relatively new chain. Without fail, every single night, someone would order the Prime Rib and be completely dumbfounded there were no bones. “But I ordered the Prime RIBS!” (we did have ribs on the menu, but I guess people wanted

Tailgate? More like tail-ate.

Back in the early 90s, I worked at a sea-side resort that served a buffet breakfast - but still had wait-staff to bring beverages, clear plates, etc. There was a fellow waiter by the name of Ian - an exact replica of the Irishman from "Braveheart", brogue, beard, and all. During one week, there was a slovenly,