Michael Milford

We kid ourselves that a Barack Obama or a Jimmy Carter isn't the same devious SOB enabling him to reach his loftiest of stations. Nietzsche termed it Will to Power. My point being that power attained by one's predecessor, even a bitter philosophical opponent, does not get handed back. Ever.


Lost in all of it is indeed nuance. The nuance of intention. This is not a small consideration when deciding whether to write off a whole person over say, a single word used one time.

Hear hear. I'll raise a glass to that.

That's a facile argument that presupposes your critical argument is being waged effectively and for all the right reasons. I'm not trying to suggest yours are not. Simply that I see too much self-serving sanctimony and counterproductive righteousness out there to merely give everyone a pass or say their motivations

The term "agree to disagree" needs to be welcomed home with all the pomp and celebration of returning POWS. The ability in all of us to carve out that inner-space to wildly disagree while still seeing the other as well-intended and above all human…I think it may be the only thing that can save our republic right now.

As someone who falls progressive and has never used nor would ever adopt SJW into my own vocabulary, I do have another take on what this label is meant to pejoratively describe:

It's worse than that. Malcolm Gladwell and others since have basically said the devotion of such personalities only grows the more objective reality becomes irrefutable to the rest of us. A couple of these jackasses I know seem to add on a new wing each week to their arcane conspiracy theory about how the left is

I know what you mean but he's found the perfect format…that is to say, no format. Just supremely sharp writing and reliably snarky delivery of said great writing. He's very focused and on top of things.

That old SNL piece is so on point. Like they reverse-engineered a 60 Minutes piece. God, just the way Billy Crystal tones it down to let a point speak for itself and then gives a half glance over to Chris Guest. Real pros those guys.

Agreed. And if it all weren't enough, those guys are giving it pretty good to Brexit too.

Who's sad, Pops? I heard you calling Pops Gramps. Many people tell me he's Pops.

America Love has announced her candidacy for 2020??

Talking sentence means elitist.

I always heard it in Illinois as FIBs, where we're bastards.

Gantner is underrated!

You ever hear the one about the Irish couple - Patrick Fitzmorris and Morris Fitzpatrick?

I just jump around to any of the ones that begin "Not being racist, but…" This way I'm helpfully informed there won't be any racebaiting content to sift through.

Ha! He's doing the Dr. Michael Caine/Bobbi The Razor Killer thing from Dressed to Kill. But I'm confused. Following that movie's logic, does Jared become Ivanka when Jared gets an erection…or does Ivanka become Jared when Trump gets one?

Voiceless, he's still Will Arnett.