Michael Milford

Are the Rube and Uber episodes related? Couldn't help but notice they share the same four letters.

If you are Doug DeCinces I think you were a terrific ball player. Apart from your level and style of play, I remember a doubleheader against the White Sox — maybe 1979? — in which you shaved your mustache between games. Does this ring a bell?

He really committed and humanized a character who could easily have been a cheap fish out of water joke hanging around with a big hairy MC. One of the bikers fell for her/him and it was really sweet. And the whole time I'm like "I can't believe that's Goggins."

People would be amazed how much acting is involved in making it look like no acting is taking place. In making it look 'natural' within a television/cinema perspective. Or to paraphrase a rule of thumb: the actor can be a barber but the barber can't be an actor.

I think you've really hit upon it. Kudos for positioning it alongside Don Draper and Mad Men because I think there is a continuity. Or rather, there SHOULD have been continuity…because the story of Don vs the counterculture should have found it's music industry echo in Vinyl. For me the story isn't how boardroom guy

Mmmm, pistol whip.

Also, the guy is like 5'2.

I sincerely hope we don't see the usual trope in the finale: (SPOILER) the bad guy that gets to live will kill at least one good guy later.

I give him a ton of props for his recurring trans role on Sons of Anarchy. He was really fantastic and a million miles from his usual.

It's not just because of the makeup that every time I hear his voice or see his face my gums start to hurt. The only thing Varga seems to care for besides money is his secret gluttony - Am I the only one finding it weird, if clinically proper, to refer to Varga as a bulimic? Money-loving, misanthropic, power-hungry,

Yeah, those are the ones coming back to me as well. The whole brotha in the (white) house vibe I know I definitely laughed at a couple, but there was a bit of uneasiness too I can remember.

Yeah, I truly thought blood was going to stream from Maher's tongue there, where he must've bit all the way through it.

I was trying to remember the Maher jokes that might qualify. The ones where Cube at home shakes his head at the TV. I can remember a joke Maher made about Obama decking out the White House all ghetto fabulous. The punchline had to do with Obama and a pack of Kools. I'm thinking that joke, while perhaps not redneck

I was sensing he thought he was being confronted for longer and more unsparingly than either the offense, his own history, or his own feelings warranted to his mind. He was definitely slipping out of humility and lapsing into a state of flat out mortification by some point in the hour. It just looked like Bill Maher's

"No, dadgummit, con sarnit!! I said the sheriff is a…"

I'm really sorry to hear this, dude. At least he was good for those formative years you were mentioning.

YES. And that's all it really boils down to. Family can say it to one another because family knows what they mean and don't mean. I just cannot believe it's a concept so ungraspable to so many.

Yeah, and whatever my own blind spots, I have never gotten what is so damn unreasonable or incomprehensible about this general idea. When I think of the number of times I've heard otherwise intelligent people say "Why do they get to say n***** but I'm not allowed to?" It makes me want to scream. Because it's almost

Your dad sounds like an admirably tuned-in and evolved human being. Given the myriad ways our parents pass along their deficits of character it's a real gift to receive your socialization from people who just get it. Connectedness I mean. Rejecting Otherness as a way to see this world.

Who am I warming the crowd for?