Michael Milford

Is it the convoluted thing the Times guy said…or is it severe mental illness? Which is the Occam's Razor here?

It'll look like a smooshed jelly bean in an empty Easter basket.

And once someone says the racially or ethnically unthinkable. that's when a third of this country says "Yeah? And??"

Nor at what his wife expresses by divorcing him over it.

I think there's a mindset among journalists of toeing the line on decorum lest the philistines take us down further.. Even toward erring on that side of prudishness. Only this moment did I recognize how thoroughly American life has continued in its 50-odd year cycle of flipping the status quo on its ear. Toeing the

At least now we know why he doesn't speak. Oy vey.

Here's the sweeping reform, same as the old reform - 'Up' means investment/capitalism, 'Down' is redistribution/socialism.
Now lets invest in America's future — defense contractors and offshore banking — and let us invest like never before!

Just remember the most important quality for any contemporary leader of the free world: Don't know so much, care so much, or have contributed so much it makes me have to consider my own shortcomings in these same areas.

I've seen trailers for it. It's a genderbending All About Eve fable set in the world of stand up comedy:

"Look! Over there, on that man's body! I've spotted dick!"

This is something I could wax even twice as long about. Lately I've been rhetorically asking my conservative friends: What makes it 'redistribution' only when tax revenues trickle down but never when they're funneled (more like hoovered) up? The greatest weapon the elites (I'm trying to reiorient the word to it's

I agree and have believed for awhile there is…if not a conspiracy than a collective will toward divide and conquer. The mortals war and the gods laugh and all that. From Jim Crow to Fox News this has been the invisible hand's rational self-interest finding its most mercenary expression. I also agree that someone who

Yeah, I think you're on the money with the period treatment. If a show is going to do up an era, the way I see it is they have one of two choices: Either offer up an unabashedly stylized and unique postmodern neverland ('Masters of Sex' comes to mind)…or else you do your goddamn homework and you get to thinking about

It's a trick. His given first name is Vee and his middle name is Em. His parents Lettie and Sam Varga were amazing in how they went about naming all their children. 13 children and there's a darling story for each one.

My take is that it's less about being dumb and more about being tethered to the constrictions of fairness, decency and legality which needn't restrain the wicked. But enough about the damn election already…

And I'm convinced Varga will walk because he's got millions parked in a bunch of senators and cabinet member's offshore accounts…and wouldn't this be both a mirror to the times as well as an endorsement of the world as little more than a messy, chaotic, and hideously unfair survival test?

By that same token, the expression upon his face in these moments is one of sheer self-disgust.

Good call. Criminally overlooked movie.

Yes! Thank you. The scene had been rattling around in my head for just this reason. It occurs to me: Callbacks are often opportunities to convey a larger point by virtue of what's changed or unchanged from the first go around. Malvo walks because he is slick and does what the devil does…that is, convinces the cops he

Since we've opened up this unthinkable can of worms and gone after the writing…