Michael Milford

Which innocent people?

Yeah, that was one of those sequences someone has had in their head since film or design school and episode 8 was the breathtaking fulfillment of that vision. It was magnificent television, cinema, art, whatever. I cannot help but feel it deserved way more love in the review than much of what was discussed.

Jim Morrison was an erotic politician. That's an area of specialization within the field of Influency.

I've always felt religion was first and foremost about control. The illusion of control for the Everyman — If I ritualistically chant this nonsense the storm will stop. If I besmirch God(s) the volcano will erupt. Life blows because of the king but this is how I get to heaven where it doesn't suck.

For me, it was a remarkably edifying area of study toward my degree, one that I was not at all thrilled to explore. Just in the commonly held taboos and prohibitions of geographically and ethnically disparate ancient religions one can discern much of what it means to be human. For better and worse.

This can be said of philosophical studies in general.

Marxian Economist. Corporate Ethicist. Life Mechanic.

What's the difference between Donald Trump and two orange garbage bags filled with used condoms? One orange garbage bag.

For people with malignant narcissicism (D. Trump's variety) the only perceived crime would be meting out punishment, any punishment, to begin with. A would-be empathy-builder of the sort you suggest would only be lost on him. He might perceive Donald Trump being punished, not by Donald Trump, but by some imposter with

Probably the best PD in America right now is Boston PD. It's an unbelievably conscientious police culture up there. Openly gay patrol cops, above quota minority hiring, and because of adapting new personnel screening policies not one unarmed shooting death since the mid 1990s. Plus they're big on community policing

No question about it. Unfortunately, the good guys are virtually guaranteed to be dragged into at least an accessory after the fact role because of this culture dictating they must enable some really heinous players. As a civilian that doesn't fly one bit. Can you imagine covering for some of these shitty things even

I would absolutely say it's an incredibly challenging time to be police…while also saying the challenge is alleviated more than somewhat by being so armed to the tits and generally unaccountable as to create what has to be an almost absurd margin for error.

DJ Qualls is named Golem? Well there you go. Rabbi Nachman and the goy's teeth can't be far behind.

And he namechecks Rabbi Nachman. He of the goy's teeth.

So if Americans are inmates at a rate higher than any other nation and Sessions still thinks it's not high enough…is he prepared to concede this is because Americans are the most wicked, criminally-inclined people on the planet? Some journalist really needs to ask Sessions what he thinks it is about the American

The story of cops is that 80-90% of the time they are exactly how youve just described them. And then one day you deal with one who is so extraordinarily cool or conscientious or heroic and it complicates things. Not much but enough.

Corpulent Or Very Fat Excuse For Everything.

That is the precise point at which good folks at Comedy Central put on hazmat suits and tapped his essence for the sweet sweet nectar within:

We're more like one of those countries the Three Stooges lampooned that was based on a 1930s third-world dictatorship. What all those countries, real and comedic, have in common is an insane leader of an appearance so clownish as to constitute an aggression in and of itself.

That's awesome! What dialect is this again - persnickety ol' yankee or authentic frontier gibberish?