Michael Milford

And all I keep thinking is does anyone have a recent number for the bear? Maybe the Democrats can run him against Trump in 2020. He's got the experience, he's smarter, faster, catches fish with one paw…

I both admire and envy your optimism in taking it on faith this isn't part of a warp-speed continuum back to the Stone Age.

Sexy results. Preferably.

No, no, no. It's about principles that get results!

Yeah, and? Name one person as far to the left besides Bernie generating this much interest in what happens to come out of his mouth or doesnt? I've got an idea… So long as nobody died this time, how about letting the guy get back to exercising a rare set of liberal balls. We've got the moral thing and the language

It's like we've turned into the liberal version of our conservative grandparents.

He doesn't call them poopy-head, he calls them disingenuous, ill-informed, magical-thinkers. Or thereabouts.

Not being allowed to say it is one thing. And I think we all know the risks at this point. But do we have to make it a felony offense? It's not as if three white people say the n word and Candyman comes back to life. And why is it so often a bunch of predominantly white groups taking the most visible offense? Aren't

I don't know… Are we talking free-range or organic?

So in this time of radical right wing ascendency seemingly without limits to the new powers they wield democratically, dictatorially, and even at levels above the state…now is the time for the left to do what it does best when the chips are down:

That's a straw man argument. I'll argue all day long that what's happening on these campuses is directed toward anything but niceness. Or fairness.

Many Americans are definitely fucking morons - that is to say intellectually lazy, incurious, appetite-driven, surface-oriented, ethically indifferent individuals who all seek a unity of purpose in a sort of flattery-based stumble as you go magical-thinking manner that's been gladly scooped up and repurposed by those

It's funny… Lately I've been thinking a lot about Hunter Thompson. Specifically his great great eulogy for the hippie ideal in Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. That giant receding tide where it all got swept back out to sea. This predicted to a tee the Reagan Revolution. And in the general it predicted the second-wave,

That's one of those top-tier Coen Bros titles you realize you underestimated because you were too disturbed to enjoy it once it hit you like cold water (or medicine) The first time around.

That happened to be an awesomely and wittily effective use of sarcasm by Sy. His stock rose with me and tellingly with Emmit after that.

Everything just feels…off. Like when the Party of Ronald Reagan tells liberals and the intelligence community they need to be better Americans and stop investigating an ongoing infiltration of our Executive Branch by malevolent agents acting at the behest of a murderous Russian dictator. You know, just…off.

I'm going to say being surrounded by millions of fellow citizens whose standards for acceptable civility and responsible governance decline at a rate observable to the half-attentive naked eye.

I think you've been pulled into a Louis CK bit where Louie sees blinkered white privilege in any societal convenience — airplanes, hairdryers — we all still happen to enjoy alongside some truly shitty abuses.

I felt it so unambiguously. How November 8, 2016 was the day "the future" of my childhood dystopian tales shifted into the present.

"Yeah it is" came out of me purely involuntarily upon hearing that line.