Michael Milford

Try Charlie Saxton if Clark is unavailable.

Yeah, those last two seasons made Ed Helms into the actor version of raw cookie dough. Alas, I consumed too much in one unbroken stretch. Now what was once an unfailingly delightful treat can only make me run to the shitter.

She can't abandon the mission by going back home. Now that the stakes are apparently higher. That's what I took from it anyway.

And stylish! Or just appropriate.

Right?? The tension with Paige and the Oldsmobile felt like a direct callback.

You remind me of those people who scream at someone for ten minutes straight to sit down and shut up. You just never know, Joe - the oppressor may be you.

We subjugate ourselves anytime we converse with someone who lashes out at people for what he thinks are noble reasons but are really just rechannelled rage issues.

You seem to make a lot of assumptions about people. You do it with a hostility that really does work against whatever social justice you're trying to advocate for. I'm pretty sure you and I share similar values. Though we seem to disagree on tactics. Well, I disagree. You mostly just puff up and condescend.

Wait, that's… Yes. Yes, I am a carbon nanotube. Uncanny.

To the extent we're watching a commentary on the world or the U.S. in 2017…the feuding Stussy brothers sort of mirror a blue state/red state thing. Emmit is successful, wealthier, more refined, a little effete and people pleasing. Ray is blue collar, out of work (suddenly), feels cheated by life, deeply resents his

The motel in S2 was in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. The so-called Sioux Falls Maasacre. Plus that property looked a bit smaller to me.

It's the politics of daily living. What I might call tyranny of an idea. However sensitive or even objectively truthful our expressed idea in relation to there's, agreeing to disagree yields a preferable result to lecturing or challenging that person's right to express or even hold the opinion. I think at some point

Exactly. There is one individual choice poeple can make and it would eliminate most of the conflict.

Agreed. Moreover, in acquiescing to bad ideas more readily because of the ethnic identification of their author, it's a form of prejudice in itself. it's infantilizing at best, hugely counterproductive at worst.

I and nobody else has a moral obligation to purposely subjugate ourselves or remain mute in a symbolic nod to sensitivity. I have one life and that experience will not be compromised by a self-flagellation which presupposes yours or any other group is leading civilization into the light.

Exactly. I see the left making many of the mistakes of the old right. We need to be careful because we're starting to tread on ends justifying the means territory. Besides the ethical considerations are the tactical ones. Namely, we just blew a national election at least in large part due to a furious and

I know you are but what am I.

Lachlan and James Murdoch will be priming the pump. It's a good all-purpose rustic phrase the president just made up.

Right? When college-educated people can casually refer to CBS News or 60 Minutes as propaganda just on the say so of a guy screaming about aliens into an AM radio mic…it just starts to feel like the beginning of the end.

Every time I get hit with some vast government conspiracy I say "Is this the same government you were just telling me can't deliver a letter or make the trains run on time? So which is it? Are they bumbling clods or are they Godlike ubermenschen pulling all the strings?"