Michael Milford

I'm guessing there are 20-25% of human beings who are wired simply to follow. There is probably some sort of authoritarian gene. It could've been any national movement really. It just always feels much more about the individual's personality and their feelings about The Other than about whatever specific position they

Yeah, for me the most maddening aspect of what they do is seen when someone accuses me of drinking the kool-aid or intolerance or ignoring Hillary's crimes (but not Trump's) or any of the other projections. We end up accusing one another of the exact same things. I've learned to take a breath and say a few words for

'Don't 'hi' me, snowflake!"

Ultimately, after recovering my composure and mentally cursing all those who may have been negligent in this young person's life, I would gauge her interest level. If she seemed eager to learn the things she should know about then my problem wouldn't be with her. My contempt is reserved for those people (and there are

Loveline was so great in the 90s. Those two had a moment when it all just worked. And then it broke my heart to see Drew shattering all sorts of ethical restraints to do celebrity rehab or whatever it was called. When the choice was between good television and not triggering a relapse…good television always won out.

Oh I disagree. In 2016 it was going to go to the one who was least identified with either party. It was a change the status quo election. Leave it to the tone-deaf DNC to run the most establishment candidate to date. If you had to pick one candidate to blow your party's chances in 2016 you probably could not do much

Also, a certain air of detachment he'd frequently employ resonated with the base. The naps, shorter hours, deferring and delegating to those wonky eggheads around him…this all came back to the central narrative upon which he gained office in the first place: 'In this present crisis, government is not the solution to

I dont know why I didn't see it before now, but I think you've hit the nail on the head. I remember that feeling in the country during Reagan. If you are a conservative it was nothing short of intoxicating. And that intoxication I think had as much or more to do simply with charisma than with any specific ideology or

I had a very similar takeaway from that event. And I've spent the years since trying to figure out who is the real John McCain. He's done things that show admirable integrity while enabling those around him to do far far worse.

Graham I actually think has a little more of the maverick in him, and I am aware of my word choice. During all the Obamacare townhall drama, his public opposition to Obama was a cover. Privately he was taking meetings with Obama, 17 in all, to craft a passable piece of legislation. Graham is a pragmatist and doesn't

I could never figure out what, besides the coldest necessity, made him a Democrat. While the republicans were in unquestioning lockstep, Lieberman could always be counted on to extort the highest possible price in exchange for voting with his party.

Yeah, me too. That guy even gives opportunists a bad name.

Fucking Bill Kristol. Is there no recent-history debacle he isn't a prime mover in? And it figures he lapped up the evangelical love, predicated as it is on the understanding he is a wretchedly damned half-man or whatever. This is a somewhat tricky issue for Jews, in America at least. There's no arguing the very real

Bil Kristol may be the most reliably wrong person on the planet. I defy anyone to locate a time when Kristol did not stand on the wrong side of subsequent events. It's remarkable just how bad people are allowed to be at their jobs while retaining prominence.

I think there are vast swaths of real estate between a safe space and a suck-it-up-you-pussies space. if residents at the polar ends could agree to respectively adapt — toward greater resilience at one end and refined empathy at the other — both could coexist without feeling their very survival is at risk in allowing

"I think some of these questions being raised should maybe be raised and let's see where we're at and we can see where this takes us.

"…Lieberman would be deemed 'too liberal' (Read: pro choice)".
(Read: too Jewish)

I love this. 4 of every 24 hours of our species' day is allotted to letting this one man talk uninterrupted and uncensored. Minus the occasional two minutes given over to growing the man's money.

With whatever non-mercenary instinct that still occasionally flickers, Hannity referred to a spiritual truth that will be slapping him in the face.

I hope Ailes is made to suck the devil's cock in hell night after day after night after day. I mean it. I hope his soul shrieks in agony for all eternity.