Michael Milford

For me they're terrible by virtue of being aggressively toothless - Ok, guys. We've blanded up our sound, but that's only half the act. What's really going to lose them is how we look. Everybody cut your hair short and traditional while wearing your dad's best Saturday afternoon attire. And I want to see at least two

Is he? So now he's REALLY channelling Trump.

Agreed. Baldwin x 2 sketch was the tipping point for me.

Yeah, I was thinking a better name for their band might be Banality's Children. Jesus, it was the aural equivalent of a low-sodium rice cake.

As a white guy who has to hustle and scrape, I absolutely take your point. But I think Louie's prominence and name-bankability make it a valid descriptor.

Exactly. Self-satisfied could've kept the ball in play as he escalates his cluelessness — and the gag — to a dizzying obnoxiousness. But CK's guy is like 'What did I really do'…which restates the joke, thus both deflating it and stopping it cold.

"'…Straight into the CAM-era, straight into the CAM-era I stare' (giggles) It's Sting, ladies and gentlemen!" (giggles)

I'll vouch. It's really terrific and worth watching for anyone even mildly interested. If you've never seen the man in more than small doses you should check out how prodigiously this guy could command a stage well into his 80s.

The I got the job montage was twelve kinds of wonderful. So earned and right. And Pete is a no-brainier for perfect warm up guy on a daytime talkfest.

Ha! I thought it myself as he flung chum…I mean candy bars at the audience.

FX should cast a Gore Vidal and a William F. Buckley and reproduce the white hot hatred between them for Feud Season 2.

That list does offer a couple always helpful reminders that the conservative right is a long ways yet from cornering the market on irredeemable awfulness. But we'll see what our dealmakin' president has to say about that!

Mega-ratings, ancient white market, high disposable income. Don't know what the order of operations is…but the math clearly works out.

That's actually way typical. Back in '77 when the nazis tried to march through Skokie, IL and through its well known Holocaust survivor community, the Nazi prick leader was a self-hating pedophile piece of shit whose father's name was Max Cohen - a fellow survivor of Auschwitz. I swear, the ones who rise to prominence

Peter Cuckaldi you mean. Damn, this itches.

I've since caught it. Kind of wish I hadn't. It was the like experiencing the YouTube comments in video form. I think the worst part was about halfway through - once I realized there wasn't going to be one unexpected or revealing moment throughout.

I go to YouTube to be judged. It just feels better digesting hatred in a gumbo of caps and asterisks.

The world may not be misguided.

I have to guess I'm one of literally dozens if not hundreds who are at this moment mentally negotiating a way to pat ourselves on the back with enough fresh insight and illumination as to not be gross. Can someone more lithe than myself perhaps scuttle through this window?

I was just thinking along these same lines. I saw a very cool video recently of a cat charging to the rescue and kicking the ass of a dog who was mauling a three year old. I dared myself to go into the id cesspool and find the Crooked Hillary post. Which I knew would be there. And was, because dammit, hero cats only