Michael Milford

About how Obummer will probably even make it illegal to drown kittens once their guns and bullets are taken away so how's the proud white man supposed to know how to live anymore?

Nobody has ever stopped any of these people from saying any of this shit. Their whole thing is that they can't understand why their open call for say, a human race or religion's wholesale extermination should have to lead to their loss of status and respect from those around them. And as I've said to these people a

A big big mistake. Pandora's Box 2.0
Or maybe Poison Fruit 3.0 in which case Apple has to somehow be the catalyst for the end of human civilisation.

It really is a fascinating point to consider. A revealing if flawed documentary called "The Brainwashing of My Dad" makes a good case for hate radio not being discerning in this respect. It preaches to the choir but it preaches compellingly:

I had forgotten about the anti-immigration stuff. To me it seemed Stern was basically from the old school of East Coast/Jewish campus leftism, but maybe veered right on certain issues to find agreeability with his listeners. That was how it vibed with me at the time anyway. That all things being equal, he himself

Yeah, it was interesting with Stern. I'll never forget how riveting he was during his 9-11 broadcast. After that his politics took a brief detour into reactionary hawkism. At first he was a cheerleader for the Iraq War. To his eternal credit Howard quickly wised up. He turned against the war and starting speaking

I just saw Norm doing a terrific interview with Larry King. Very personal and engaging. I think it originally aired in June but is streaming on Hulu.

That was a terrific story. Have you seen 'The Sheik'? About the Iron Sheik Khosrow Vaziri? A fascinating tale that begins in Iran as one of the shah's personal bodyguards…and ends decades later in similar circumstances to Jake Plummer.

Jesus, and with the ketchup? I guess I am part of the elite. Not only wouldn't I put ketchup anywhere near a steak, but I almost used catsup instead of ketchup.

It's very very true. One of the perceived privileges of underwriting it I suspect.

I give the Mormons a lot of credit. They've seen through the guy from Day One and have not wavered - Mitt Romney's sucking up notwithstanding. For people whose beliefs are so often mocked they're pretty damn savvy where it counts.

But then he'd miss the opportunity to leak those between-marriage stories. The ones where new trophy wife allegedly raves about the sex…and old trophy wife asked for it by not dying prior to aging into unfuckability.

You're definitely on to something and I couldn't agree more. It's the anonymity and the convenience. It cultivates all the worst hidden aspects of some people's personalities.

Did anyone happen to catch the title of this documentary? Maybe I missed it, but I don't think it was even given.

One possibility: Werner Herzog and his despised go-to leading man Klaus Kinski.

I think what he would respond to is the smug sanctimony or what he might see as phoniness. More attitudinal, less political maybe.

I don't know. In no universe can I see Ron Swanson casting a vote for Hillary. On one hand, RS is smart enough to see through Trump…but on the other, how is he not going to applaud all the political incorrectness, effete-bashing, and government dismantling?

Half a century…more like half an election.

OMG, that's what's next. Let's just hope East Asia isn't China. Or Australia. The president is not terribly swift.

It suddenly occurs to me: Ten years ago T.J. Miller — his opening pot joke notwithstanding — could not get arrested in the biz. Or was he doing something to a large audience back then? I only know him from Silicon Valley and a number of tv spots prior to that.