Michael Milford

Good call. I saw Holmes and Artie Lange being interviewed by Judd Apatow on Charlie Rose. Lief's real life counterpart — to Pete's clearly lingering amusement — is named Rocco. And to hear Holmes tell it, Rocco turned out to be a relentlessly kind and thoughtful human being. So much so that it confounded all efforts

Chops for days. Same reaction here. In fact, I thought it was someone else for the first hour (Stephen Root maybe?). He was amazing as HHH. He's been great anytime I've seen him disappear into a less 'Whitfordesque' persona. Whitford's Arc on Transparent, for one, was a magnificent turn.

I had the same reaction. I kept trying to find an angle worthy of dusting off a twenty year-old premise. Sessions and Gump are both Southern is as far as I got. It just seemed random and thus beyond stale to me.

She doesn't just sound like him, her whole face turns into his. Very impressive. Last comic/mimic I saw do it that unnervingly was a very young Jim Carey on an ancient HBO special. He became Henry Fonda in 'On Golden Pond'

I have to believe worst scene will be in Season 5 and will involve either a tiresome McNulty or else that newspaper douche Scott Templeton who made shit up. No, actually for me it was the twelfth time I had to hear that stupid fucking song they sang along to at the cop bar.

Stop the presses, but the worst episode in years, on several levels, was the Trump debacle.

Maybe it's a worn cliche, but does she qualify as a Manic Pixie Dream Girl? More than this, Villaseñor puts me in mind of my high school girlfriend.

"Do you like being white?" That had me on the floor.

Also, I've decided Villaseñor is definitely an attractive woman. Physically, I mean. I already figured out she's got a sense of humor. I figured it out from the comedy sketches. That's when I knew.

For me, sharpest work of the night was the Trump progeny. Moffat and Day found such magnificently specific bits of business. They actually succeeded in conjuring up 'He Who Shall Remain Shameless' merely by rendering so indelibly that sweet sweet fruit of the Trump Tree. Mmmm <crunch> yum.

Yeah, I agree with you about Kenan. He's particularly strong in filmed pieces. He and Spencer worked magnificently off one another. They were so locked in they made gold together in all sorts of unexpected ways.

It was well-written of course, but the chess-as-life metaphor thing probably could have been retired prior to the Wire Season 1. This was my own objection anyway.

OMG, that's the leader of the free world you're talking about yet it's a perfectly apt description. We used to say it about Dubya, but then the Donald came along and made him look like FDR.

He might want to try 'Don Jr.' for awhile to see if that sticks.

I thought immediately of Chris Weitz and Mike White's 'Chuck & Buck'. That one was played as creepy uncertain comedy that went to the dark, as I recall.

Yes, I think this is a strong point. Prior to reading this I commented along the same lines. I also pointed up membership in organizations notable for religious antipathy. In 1949 we are just around the corner from the witch hunts designed to stigmatize and quash such groups. Therefore '49 may have found such

It's interesting about the religion angle in regards to the title turning away 1949 audiences. I think there were maybe a couple of different things in play - nervousness about the Vatican having undue influence (which plays out in the 1960/JFK election) and also the proliferation of those 'radicalized' groups that

Life. Being human. It is about the eternal struggle between what is good and what is evil. All of us, ALL of us must wage our personal battle against the crooked Hillary that lives in us all. We must fight against the darkness and we must pull ourselves into that orange light of truth and goodness. Against our own

David Naughton!

1984 didn't feel much like "1984" nearly so much as 2017 feels like "1984". 1984 was meh. And yes, that assessment does encompass the cumulative subjective experiences of everyone on earth who was alive at that time. I have a permit granting me one-time historical license. I don't have the permit ON me, of course.