Michael Milford

I definitely don't think your reasons or your parents' reasons are stupid at all. They're actually among the sounder practical reasons I've heard.

It's only in the Trump-era half the nation could weep tears of joy for the passing of the Obama-era of the 'technocrat'.

Pulls out cordless mic from his ass, sings like Axl Rose. Talks some more. Does duet with 23 year old pop star. Shows the world how it might sound if Bono sang on her bland hit instead of her. The doomsday clock upticks toward the sweet release of midnight.

It may be part of a slow walk-back, but I'm suddenly hearing more and more Trump voters saying they hated Hillary more than they particularly liked Trump.

I heard it was the biggest crowd ever. But with the littlest people since the Harding inaugural.

Those two fuel plenty of material just from photos alone. I have to go along with the condemnation out of acknowledgment to the right's restraint when it came to the Obama girls. It speaks volumes about Obama's family man credentials that the right never even found a foothold with which to play up the more ubiquitous

True story, former Klan Imperial Wizard Tom Metzger endorsed Bernie for president and was oddly rational about it. He also says he's given up on the far-right (he thinks they're being played) and identifies now as a lefty:

It's asshole-spouse syndrome on hyperdrive.

You look at all the great people who died young this year and somehow you just know he'll live to be 112.

That's never stopped them before. In fact, this is usually when people living in bad faith double down on the lie and swim harder away from shore.

Oh, was I supposed to be more self-flaggelating there?

Out in Real America horse rectum is a term of great honor. Without the rectum a good horse gets collicky and then we have to eat it. Figures you wouldn't know that drinking your perrier chais and getting your horse meat from a supermarket.

No, no. I'm afraid you misunderstand. I'm James "Jimmy Broadway" Broadway, the so-called horsecock of Connecticut. I nearly murdered Mrs. Broadway on our wedding night. So I am looking for a few good men…a few merely large men to fill…an opening?
(Wack-a wack-a wow wow, wack-a wack-a wow).

The irony is that as recently as the Clinton era democrats had to contend with the right forever characterising us as being oversexed. We allowed porn and obscenity to flourish, our politicians and even our candidates fuck anything that moves, we support gays (to them that's always about the right to have anal sex)

I definitely think that's a valid read on it. They see many of us yielding privilege (conflated into America of the past or "Our Country") and they attribute it to our slavish self-nullifying devotion to leftist collectivist dogma. When you talk to these people one on one you often encounter this zero-sum mindset.

Really, it's fair to distill it even further: Everything is about power.

And this is what rankles so much about him losing the popular vote by three million people in what was a severely questionable contest to begin with. It fulfills every worst case scenario imaginable that such a narrow band of idiots could be so compellingly vindicated and historically validated at just this point in

That's exactly it. The porn embodiment of cucking involves a white husband just sitting there ineffectually while several large African-American men of notoriously oversized endowment gangbang his wife. In more extreme manifestations the husband either has a micropenis to begin with or else he will wear a cage-like

I could actually respect them more were they to rebrand as The Hate Party. Because there is nothing more infuriating than the guy irrationally fixated on ethnic minorities despite living completely separated in exclusively white enclaves. "I'm not being racist, but…" YES, yes you are being racist! When you spend

Fucking auto-correct. It would become merely tolerable if once in awhile it managed to correct those words that actually do warrant correction.