Michael Milford

No, Shiite-head is simply the clever wordplay and command of language for which they are known. Much like insertion of the suffix 'tard' which of course indicates somehow so mentally enfeebled as to not transcend the dual traps of logic and historical precedence. To earn a place in the family of tards is to fail to

"Ok, you caught me. (Beat) Look, my real name is James Broadway and I am here to find a large penis for my wife."

"It's so crazy you would think this isn't research of the most rigorous methodology. What does my masturbating have to do with anything I've just said?"

Oh totally. Whomever coined the term 'dog-whistle politics' was spot-on. I remember when I was in college in the early 1990s, during that first wave of political correctness. I got into a shouting match with a pro-sensitivity/anti-free speech professor because I was convinced all her good intentions were going to one

Always Jews. The best way to punch up when punching down.

And this is why I am absolutely convinced half these guys sit around, as did their proud cracker ancestry, discussing and purveying interracial so-called cuck porn. It suddenly occurs to me how they're so obsessed with the demographic shifts partly born of decreased white birth rates. For all their handwringing on

Altards, the curiously weak mint.

Awesome catch, MK. It's a porn sub genre sometimes known as bbc. Where the second b stands for black, the first b is big, and the c stands for…I guess, country.

These people are like those demo-model dishwashers with the clear glass front where you can see how it all works. Similarly, they're fun to look at but who the fuck wants it in their home?

Yes. Yes, as always you're right on the money. (Visibly bristles) Hey now, wait just a second!

It airs on the questionable bbc network. Very little relation to the better known BBC.

They all seem to think the taint is wagging the dick when in fact the dick is fucking the entire body. Or something like that. The point is they're schlemiels and we're schlemozles. Hastenpepper Incorporated.

Converted to contemporary America, Trump voters are schlemiels and the rest of us are schlimazels. Yes, they fell for the con…but we're the idiots who are worse off for it.

Animation enjoys a reprieve from the usual cultural boundaries.

Ha! Idris Elba is James Bond! No wait…he's Schneider.

Although Maude was arguably his most overtly political show. As Maude was a progressive, Lear sort of made Bea Arthur a mouthpiece for his more controversial positions.

Yeah, he was annoyingly needy as I recall.

Norman Lear may be a certifiable genius. Having said that, what the fuck is so unique about that particular show's premise it demands a remake?

I was about to ask which Trump is the Meathead, but…low hanging fruit and all.

Yes! Law and Order and those stupid containers nobody actually eats out of with chopsticks. The worst were those early episodes with Michael Moriarty. He must've had a provision in his contract requiring his mouth be filled with egg foo yong for 80% of his dialogue.