Michael Milford

Some of my best friends are popcorn. And my brother in law is a corn flake. Just saying.

Herman's Hermits probably did.

Like the mayor of that Kentucky town who met Michelle Obama and then proceeded to refer to her as "ape-face".

I agree. We are living in dangerous times where experts are inherently distrusted by virtue of their data following a liberal agenda. If the evidence does not conform to the narrative, then he who presents the evidence obviously has an agenda. Somehow these mental gymnastics are far preferable to simply admitting a

Congressional staffers will tell you phone calls to their offices, day after day after day, is what gets their attention. Because it disrupts the office and keeps staffers tied up. At some point the big cheese sticks his head out and asks why everything is taking so much longer to get done.

Guess which two books they won't burn? One was written by God…and the other one is the bible.

Even George W. Bush is someone whose stock has risen, if by virtue of being sane and capable of empathy. What I would give to have the likes of a Mitt Romney sitting in the Oval Office.

So true. And the bitch of it is, after bending over for them he's still labelled an intransigent radical shit-stirrer. There was no winning.

Totally. And what gets me about the economic picture is it's simply the logical outcome of the merciless capitalism/anti-labor agenda they've been nuttily going for ever since Reagan smashed the air-traffic controller's union 35 years ago. Lefties even wrote best-selling books like "What's the matter with Kansas?"

Yeah, that's the shitty thing. His millions-strong army raises cognitive dissonance to the level of strikingly good performance art. Anything Trump does or doesn't do that would otherwise alienate his base will be attributed somehow to The Others. Good is evidence of his greatness and bad just reinforces the left is

Four? You're mighty optimistic. Giving up power and writing his own books are two things Trump has never done.

He took all the Brady kids to England once the final season had wrapped. On his own dime he took them to see London and to learn about the English theatre. They actually shot a bunch of home movies of that trip which you could probably catch on You Tube. It's really sweet and it's cool to just see them all hanging out

Worshipping people is gross. It sucks for most people to be worshipped. Most, but not all. That sorta brings us full circle back to the election.

Ha! I do think it's the fundamental reason we talk past one another. I've been in enough bad relationships to recognize it. The Orange-haired bitch just tossed our albums out onto the sidewalk.

Truth be told, I got kind of sick of him too. Toward the end. He was pretty perceptive though. And a great comic.

Yeah, he had opinions about you too. Believe me. Whatever.

It's absolutely fucking crazy-making to me. Then I remind myself - One side debates the other with logic and data. The other side debates us back with narratives and emotional impressions. Guess which side fights harder for their reality? And my fear is we'll all get to be the champion debaters in some forced labor

Ask them what that America would actually look like and they're usually stumped. You'll generally get a detour to what's wrong and who exactly fucked it up. But you won't hear a vision of what their shangrila would look like. Because it looks a lot like something we already saw in the 1930s and 40s. I fear it's in the

Context is key in my original statement. It's also key in not simply rushing to judgment and ruining someone's life because certain words escaped their lips in certain conversations at certain moments.

I don't give a shit either way except for how annoying it is that they embrace certain attitudes while not having the balls to admit to themselves they have them in the first place.