Michael Milford

Well he's dead so he ain't making no more.

Dissent isn't or shouldn't be what's decried. I think maybe some are wondering what rationale enables one to separate their support for a fascistic candidate from their responsibility toward how he governs once elected.

Yes, but would you go so far as to characterize it as…

That's right, I forgot about all the VO too. He's awesome.

Yeah, I could never understand how there could still be so many people who say "I have plenty of black friends" without knowing it's the go-to defense for every racist since the beginning of time.

This is a season for venting and we're in a forum to vent. So here is my two cents in Ms. Olsen and her fellow Trumpians:

You know what? I think you nailed it. It's the grammar as much as the warmth which tells me it was probably written by a professional. One who most likely went on to vote AGAINST Donald Trump three years later.

"Hey, Cindy Brady just told me her dick is bigger than mine!"

Somewhat less relevant and more tangentially, I think Robert Reed was a hell of a fine actor. It's damn hard for even the most serious actor-schmacter thesp to walk from that Big Network money. He knew better than anyone the show was utter tripe. I admire how much he cared about making it as good as it could possibly

That was Robbie Rist. Robbie is now a phenomenal music producer and musician in Los Angeles. A really really good dude. For real. And I may or may not have shared a medicinal herb or two with him. I'm granting myself a one-time pass on shameless name-dropping, on account of Supreme Relevance. Feel free to take it up

So what do we think? Is Bonaduce a classic Trump man? We lament all those votes Hillary lost, but think of all the convicted felon votes Trump would've racked up.

My guess is they're simply grooving on the sensation of being granted significance by virtue of being their worst and most fear-driven selves. It must be intoxicating: For years and years they've been pressured to believe in a brotherhood of man when all the while they've privately vented at The Others taking up space

Scratch a Trump voter and you'll see someone who would also own a jet but for the damn Mexicans and Jews getting all the good stuff. All you need to do is watch Mitt Romney telling an auditorium full of people everyone can be rich once he's president. When 3000 people can hoot and applaud a line like that, thoroughly

My personal favorites are the false equavalencies:

You know someone isn't racist once they helpfully point out "I'm not being racist, but…"

This is the part that makes it all seem so unfixable. It just feels like many if not most of his supporters are engaging in a sort of national euthanasia. The American Experiment went all wrong in their eyes, so if it can't be fixed it must be put down. Seriously, try and engage even an educated Trump voter on policy

Of all the neocon retreads, they had to bring back Satanic Ned Flanders? What kind of person would make the world's least pleasant, most argumentative man top diplomat? Oh wait…ok, light bulb's on now.

You may definitely want to check out the Vice special on HBO 'A House Divided'. This is a good part of what's covered in depth. Frank Luntz, for all his malevolence, doesn't hold back on either side. Frighteningly, this man who's always been pretty fucking good at forecasting the future says he's moving to New Zealand

Here is what's really sad…and a little scary. Olsen penned a truly heartfelt moving tribute to her "gay dad" Robert Reed in the Advocate only three years ago. I don't know if she has rethought the sentiments expressed at the time or what. Only that Trump seems to have had a frighteningly corrosive effect on the souls

Woody Allen has always been so sharp lampooning that archetypal New Yorker who can barely function off the island. I give him heaps of credit for his late-career 'discovery' of other great metropolises (metropoli?) as worthy film settings.