Michael Milford

If ten billion horrible decisions made for five billion awful reasons could have an aroma…someone would bottle it and call it Ellé, by Lucifer.

As a fellow drummer and quadragenarian I regret I have but one thumb to give for this sentiment. Screw the cliche - drumming is what showed me the older I get the better I am at learning new tricks. I started in my teens and put it down after college. When I started up again in my thirties I had the acquired wisdom to

Where W is concerned, and guys like Mitt Romney and John McCain for that matter, my feelings have broadened and taken on a bit more big-picture nuance since November 8.

Awesome handle, BTW.

It seems to be the way of the world now. The individual feels it's society's obligation to insulate them from offense, injury, or even general discomfort. And if a particular comedy set isn't their cup of tea? Then they simply remove themselves from the equation. By pretending three hundred other people who bought a

The best reason to vote for Hillary? Two qualities she has in spades over Trump: Hypercompetence and impulse-control. Either one suffices for me when you're bidding to control the world's largest nuclear arsenal.

That's spot-on. One of the stronger appeals Moore makes is in citing BREXIT as the ultimate cautionary tale when it comes to using the ballot box as a form of political protest.

I've since watched Trumpland and can tell you the three nice things come as an I'll-go-first type plea to the rabid Hillary haters. Here they are, in order:
1) Moore praises W as a good family man who raised two fine daughters
2) Without much fanfare W exerted influence to secure AIDS funding to Africa
3) W loved his dog

I would say theirs were minds too nimble and constitutions too independent to give up the ghost to any one ideology. I think they were observers of fallible humanity too astute (and too suspicious) to elevate any one visionary to the level of Godhead. This can be a lonely and terrifying spot to occupy, particularly

I just kept being reminded of an African-American colleague who told me a black man in particular has to be at least twice as good at what he does to receive anything close to the popular validation of his white counterpart. To look back upon where this country resided in 2008 compared to today — so many at the time

It's the same cognitive disconnect that allows for governmental expansion to wage decades-long wars on abstractions like 'drugs', 'terror'…and yes, 'poverty' — Dems are just as guilty of waging faux-war, minus the ideological hypocrisy. Of course, the right owns the patent on governmental overreach when it comes to

Nicely done, sir.

And you've just spotted the other fly in the ointment - What person of sanity and competence indeed? I mean, who needs it? We now have a dangerous informational chasm that has widened between what we know and what we can handle.

Ask any New Yorker of some influence about Donald Trump and you'll start getting to the tip of a vile megalomaniacal iceberg.

If you were to put everyone in public life under a 30 year $100 million dollar dirt-gathering microscope…then we would have much-needed perspective on the 2016 election.

When a less-savvy HRC said "a vast right-wing conspiracy" was afoot, her use of the 'C' word guaranteed a degree of skepticism all around. But as we have learned in the years since, it was one of those examples of paranoia as heightened alertness.

I've considered this. All I could promise you is it would come up for serious discussion somewhere it mattered.

As do the still-living beneficiaries of 37 superior healthcare systems worldwide. But when did facts ever stand up to the well-reasoned certitude of an ideological position?

Since you're a stickler at calling out liars, I cannot see any ethical complications which could arise from supporting Donald Trump's candidacy. None whatsoever. Nada.

It was to the point that Obama's agreement on some matters was enough to force the GOP to do a 180 and take up the opposing viewpoint. Even if it ran counter to a hundred years of GOP doctrine and conventional wisdom. Even if it was self-evidently the logical and measured course of action…it was a tainted position by