Michael Milford

That this strategy was discussed and implemented, as you've stated it, is absolutely a matter of public record. I just wish I knew when winning election became a hanging offense. Doesn't leave much room at the table for dissent from the GOP, does it? Gee, I guess half the country forfeited their right to be

Great point. And how easily we forget. Bipartisanship is a pipe dream so long as the leaders (and base) on one side regard cooperation with the other side as tantamount to treason.

And this is the 747-sized fly in the ointment — Sanity and competence. Hillary is not someone who electrifies, but she is the one who doesn't give me night terrors at the thought of her commanding civilization's vastest military empire.

Only 30 years and $100 million of concentrated hatred could leave anyone believing Hillary Clinton is as amoral and unprincipled an individual as is Donald Trump. If such a sustained level of self-interested scrutiny were to land upon Trump as well…we wouldn't even be having the conversation. As it is, the past year

This is why the popularity of the merkin endures. 'Merkin Ingenuity!

What makes them legitimately good is that they are able to hide the effort and make the acting look easy.

Nuggets was essentially all the American kids who watched the Ed Sullivan appearance and suddenly realized rock and roll had just evolved into the do-it-yourself proposition it was always meant to be. Of course, the Crickets were so great they understood this from the start. Fittingly, the Beatles' name was devised

I knew a kid in high school who — without rancor and without antagonism — would simply state he didn't care for music. Which is a little like saying "I can take or leave weather".


Let's see…
Stu Sutcliffe. Being For The Benefit Of Mr. Kite.
I'm out.

What?! No, man. I hate all that other shit you just mentioned.

And tellingly, Sinatra and Elvis covered the Beatles. Of course, while professing to hate them…but still.

No Doubt.

Yes yes yes!! Or as I've often said, John and Paul could've tossed away any of their so-called filler tracks to another band and given that band fifty years of booking potential. Baby You're a Rich Man? And Your Bird Can Sing? Meh, wrote 'em both during the same shit I took the other morning. Pick one and give it to

It thrills me to think not a day passes without even the most stereotypically vapid and clueless millennial hearing their music and immediately intuiting a timeless genius.

Ah, but this is what is so damn incredible. You, me, the entire planet can circlejerk them from now till doomsday…they still won't be overrated. Given how uncluttered and accessible the music was and is, I have to believe these guys just kinda sorta aligned with some ethereal vibration that's as close to representing

George: John and Paul are holding me down. Though in fairness, their diminishment is merely implied.

The plan for Part II is to jump ahead: Give My Regards to Broad Street…followed by I've Got My Mind Set on You. Then as a post-film bonus, the remastered third reel of Caveman.

"Magical mystery tour? Smells more like an old brown shoe"…says Rex Reed never.

That he's Mick Jagger implies he can get satisfaction.