Michael Milford

That is depressing. Even Pete Best is something of a household name. Well… a household cautionary tale anyway.

Mind expansion is no laughing matter. Just imagine how good Rubber Soul and Revolver might've been had the boys wised up and told Bob Dylan real friends don't push the pot.

Nah, you worry too much. Pablo would never do these things.

I do think this particular chess scene distinguishes itself from its admittedly numerous predecessors, if just by discovering new angles upon which to reflect.

Thankfully, the right Pe(a)rlman was called to his reward. If being eternally mounted by Hitler's demon-hounds counts as a reward…

From the Why-Do-I-Remember-This file comes this question:

Everything is supposed to be a safe space now. But only from offense and bruised feelings. Getting shot, arrested, or imprisoned somehow has never been easier. Our culture has some funny ideas about safety.

Good and bad become really murky ever-changing concepts within this milieu. The only rock solid principle uniting the characters you've mentioned might be empathy. An untouchable core of human decency and the ability to say to oneself 'There but for the grace of God go I'. Once we cast people into the 'bad' pile…once

If you spend any time behind bars you find out how thin that moral line is between inmate and jailer. You would see many instances of nobility and compassion among prisoners…and just as many instances of antisocial criminality from those representing the state and/or judicial system. The opposite is of course true as

Without empathy anything becomes permissible.

So true. For a good kid(?) like Naz, surviving 12 years would be like winning on Survivor…but instead of a million dollars, your prize for surviving is being returned to society as a disenfranchised unhirable pariah. That's the thing - It would be the most insurmountable challenge of any of our lives, and at the end

Better and more likely newer facilities. And if not newer, than probably better-funded and maintained. But with bigger, tougher, and less-to-lose inmates. A maximum-security penitentiary is the major-leagues of incarceration. Because unlike a Rikers-type county jail, where the maximum stay is maybe a year as one

I've been assuming - Well, half-assuming…given the usual twists and turns of a well-written procedural — that it was the other black dude who approached him when he was with Andrea outside the brownstone. The one who got a lingering reaction shot as the doomed couple went inside.

George Jefferson himself was an important groundbreaking character in that he was black AND well-to-do. No one even close to him had been seen on television prior. Here was a black man in the mid-1970s being deferred to and waited upon by white folks because of that great equalizer, money. It was also interesting to

Ha! That was amazing. Thank you! And who knew it could be so easy to get an innocent person off death row?

Oh, he contemplated.

'Perfect children's show acting' is a good description…and I'm operating from the assumption you're not simply damning with faint praise. I always thought the key to acting effectively and truthfully in a Nick type kids show is to regard everyone and speak to them, regardless of age or station, as you would an

Very true. Without any shortage of examples, it can even be argued Harry was more restrained with the last gunman than his contemporary real-life counterpart might be.

Now THAT is hilarious.

Plus the time Cobb launched Fan Appreciation Day into the stratosphere by running into the stands and beating a heckler within an inch of his life. That's when baseball was baseball, dag nab it.