Michael Milford

Well yes, them too. Plus a slew of others. I was having good-natured fun with the torture-murder victim's name. I laugh lest I cry.

in the montage of dead people I think they *ahem* skipped someone.

Prior to this season, I never had much feeling one way or the other for Patrick Wilson. He's always been a fine actor, but never this endearing and substantive. Zach McClarnan deserves an Emmy, if just for the way he moves. He and Bryan Cranston could open an acting school where they teach nothing but

It is indeed the late great Mr. Henning. In this photo he teaches fifty two playing cards to levitate. He was patient and professorial like that.

In a world gone mad, the mad (wo)man is best equipped to deal. Familiar terrain and all.

Yeah, and I wondered at the time if that was part of the joke. Forever clueless Peggy.

I couldn't tell if the Bay Area prison she references is Alcatraz or Pelican Bay.

I haven't gotten to the thread yet, if it does appear, but…[SPOILER] Hanzee is the fish head-eating gang leader from season one. I'm seeing that most of the speculation here points toward a Hanzee/Malvo connection, but the Hanzee actor (Zahn McClarnan) flat-out confirms it in this Hollywood Reporter Interview. The

I think you're on to something with the heritage-switch. To my mind, we are supposed to recall that very first scene with the faux-native/ethnically ambiguous "I'm from New Jersey" actor. Once again, even beautifully shot pictures are more than capable of obfuscating the truth. Why? Because people choose to be

I think Hanzee was doing something he (or someone) had mentioned earlier in the season. He was calming his prey by stroking behind its ear. This was used either in reference to rabbits or chickens.

In case you damage or misplace the first guy.

I am firmly convinced now Bear is the fish head eater. Besides the physical plausibility, the Season 1 guy spoke sparingly and in those same tones.

Nothing-to-See-Here Trucking

Riding it to the scene, cutting off its head, and then eating it raw from the inside out.

He's also clearly, to my mind, the big fish head eating boss in Season 1.

All of North Dakota is a Pine Barrens.

Schmidt: what man?
Mike: (impatient) Just a man.

<scoffs> Undertaker?! Pfft…more like the underweartaker. Amirite?? No, seriously…he had has own Asian take on the Kitchen Brothers. What was that about?

Well, nothing is easy between this war child and the fat man.

And yet I still see Mike as someone to err on the side of pragmatism over sentimentality.