Michael Milford

Along the well-trod lines of the Coen Bros replaying their greatest hits, the Bear/Simone execution(?) sequence is a callback to Miller's Crossing. Gabriel Byrne marches John Turturro into the woods at gunpoint…only to be swayed toward mercy by his captive's last-minute pleading. This is why, to my mind, Simone will


Yes, with that unbroken extreme closeup on Charlie's mom. Shortly before she disappears off the face of the earth. At least 'I've Got a Golden Ticket' taught me the joyous benefits of gloating.

In the context of past/present sexual abuse it definitely becomes more disturbing.

What's disturbing is telling a cop you think Frank Serpico is anything but a scum-sucking rat fuck. Watch his eyes narrow is he mentally flicks you with his thumb and forefinger to the dark side of their binary Us/Them equation. Hey, the largest big-city law-enforcement entity in the land was 99% in the pocket of the

Even more dysfunctional, the good ones are drawn into aiding and abetting the scumbags until there really are no clean ones left. As a matter of course, this is what is expected within police culture. So how many patrolmen, detectives, etc. haven't fudged sworn testimony, planted evidence, planted a weapon…or at least

God doesn't drop the ball, he just has a larger plan to be revealed once one gets to heaven and is part of the In Crowd.

Until CaliConservative is picked up for DUI or domestic assault…at which point the cops become gun-snatching lackies of the Obama regime and must be stopped before they kill again.

I think Mike Milligan's artificiality well transcends race or any other human distinction. I think he's meant to evoke something akin to the voice that says "Please stay on the line. Your call is VERY important to us". He's rational, assured, can mimic inflections of empathy and higher consciousness…he is corporate

Parkinson's puns abound…but they're shaky at best.

HA! It was between this and 'To catch a Pre(-teen)dat(e)or' with the o crossed out.

Allocate, you frugal bitch!!!

This because cookies are sometime snack.

A brief defense of Los Angeles and the entertainment industry…

…and the "Hallelujah Motherfucker!" Mix-tape was born.

As a fan of both Redd Foxx and porcelain figurines, I've been dying to see this!

I declare a mistrial! Of gum.

Hey the experts are the ones who told us cocaine was harmless and non-addicting…and that pot will make you sterile and insane. In certain matters you defer to experienced practitioners.

I live in Cali and I can tell you from my own experience that every last one of the people I know who've gotten their cards…every last one of them takes the trip to their local dispensary, comes back with their arms full, and asks 'What took me so fucking long?'

The most recent empirical studies of marijuana's medicinal value are very very promising indeed.