B...b...b...but “security” and “safety”.
B...b...b...but “security” and “safety”.
As soon as installing programs on your own device got a suspicious sounding name, I presumed its days were numbered.
God forbid Apple let their customers use the device they purchased as they please.
When the first objection (to Arizona’s electoral votes, pre-insurrection) on Jan. 6 was registered, many of these same assholes cheered and applauded.
There’s going to be a Wonder Woman 3? Good lord, why?
DC needs to give up and start over. Their movie universe is a mess and has been from the start.
So according to my vast experience from B movies, we’ll have containment breach, scientists mutating, but not before a love triangle develops?
Missed opportunity for headlines:
Username checks out.
“What is there to cure when the survivability rate for anyone infected with covid is over 99%.”
Facts are the biggest threat to the GOP’s hegemony and they know it.
Because Florida. Those two words means a whole lot.
Why the hell would they even unholster their weapons? There was no threat, no info about weapons, these weren’t criminals wanted for violent crimes. She released information to the public about a public health crisis and they are pointing guns around?
Fantastic. Everyone Trump has lied about should go after his money.
Did anyone think he wasn’t going to fuck this up? It’s just so on brand for him.
Well except usnews.com ranks Denmark as #2 in the world for quality of life.
And try building a 7 mile tunnel in the US for a cost that does not include the word “billion”. $160 million for this is ungodly cheap for this type of work. Denmark’s infrastructure is so, so good, and doubly so if you are on feet or a bike, and about 100X better than the US for pedestrians. But, you know, socialism.
Or... they have a relatively wealthy government that actually has an interest in helping the population and improving their quality of life. I suppose that does feel like a foreign concept these days...
They’re a harmless, curious and quirky art installation that inspired armchair sleuths to have a bit of fun. It’s one of the only things in 2020 that isn’t complete shit.
Counterpoint: those monoliths aren’t hurting anyone