It’s the fact that Bernie Mac was the star as well as one of his last films.
It’s the fact that Bernie Mac was the star as well as one of his last films.
Looks like the Yankees decided to put A-Rod out to pasture. That idiom works for centaurs, as well as horses, right?
“Jim Jones is an all-time great. Marshall Applewhite is THE all-time great.”
+1 Excitable Boy
Did they find any lawyers as well?
Some people are fans of the Tennessee Titans. But many, many more people are NOT fans of the Tennessee Titans. This…
PSYCHOLOGIST: Now, Aldon, I want to help you get to the bottom of your self destructive behavior. We’re going to use an exercise I call word association. I say something, you say the first thing that pops in your mind.
In case you’ve forgotten, Ken Griffey Jr.’s preference for wearing his cap backward infuriated old white columnists—a…
“I’ve got just the boat!”
Let’s all take a knee and give our final respects.
Would it be a Cardinal sin to give him a Viking funeral?
We already know that Aroldis Chapman can throw harder than anyone in the history of baseball [...]
I seriously doubt it’s Vince. Cena wouldn’t want to turn heel. He knows there are kids all over the world who look up to him with his “never give up” message, and whenever he does something amazing like point out a kid in the crowd fighting against cancer, inviting them up to the ring, and telling them to “never give…
I find this hard to believe. I had a drug test a little over a year ago for my new job. They sent me a list of approved testers in my town. I picked the closest to my house and went there. I peed in a cup, handed it over, they had me sign a label on it attesting it was my sample. The guy doing the test stuck the cup…
Brady’s first game will be in Week 5 against the Cleveland Browns.
Can’t find his name in the phone book.
When a man who spent the best years of his life being protected by the Pouncey brothers and “slinging” passes to Aaron Hernandez and Percy Harvin refuses to get roped into your dumpster fire, where exactly do you go from there?
To say he took the quickest and most efficient route is giving him a little to much credit. He took tanking, a relatively well-worn strategy, and pushed it a little further.
If anyone can show Trump how to force his way into Washington, it’s gonna be Mike Tyson.
lol “why didn’t he challenge me with the pitch I expected???”