Capitol Heights

Poor Jen...taking it on the chin again.

Well, since she's a novice actor, it was smart to have her do the opening scene with Channing Tatum. He isn't going to blow anyone off the screen.

How sad. I just watched a TCM documentary on Christmas films last night via On Demand, and Ms. Grimes was in it. She talked about how gentle Jimmy Stewart was with her when she forgot a line, telling her, "Don't worry, you'll get it right next time." I had no idea she had such a tough time.

2 -4, according to phins.com

Well...five seconds of a GIS uncovered THIS. And just let me say...with an unblemished record of heterosexuality...he's a pretty good-looking guy:

NOT defeated by Bob Kuechenberg: male pattern baldness and breathalyzers.

"He's never, to my knowledge, made any public appearances outside of football games. "

"Although, for the record, as a white person I often feel the need to apologize for my race. Let's face it; we suck."

Wow, Seann William Scott has really let himself go.

Direct link...just because it's awesome!

I die a little each day knowing that there was no discernable interest in me being this generation's Jack Carson.

@LA0811: Box wine is grain alcohol (AKA Everclear) with just enough "wine" to provide flavor and color. Truth.

Aaron Sorkin is the screenwriter of The Social Project. David Fincher is the director.

@R_Claw: Because of this?

@BeckySharper: Yes, but even back in 1988 people knew better than to mess with Julia Roberts...she may have been sixth-billed, but damn if she doesn't have both legs!

@Juancho: AND "get treated for staph infection"...

Dear Mr. Daulerio,