Wow Mr. Hamilton, it’s a real treat to have you here in the comments!
Wow Mr. Hamilton, it’s a real treat to have you here in the comments!
I don’t know Alanis, Mark from accounting has been a real prick about expense reports lately. Time for a little bumper music!
I don’t know enough Canadian geography to work this into a Manchurian Candidate bit.
“Grow and Change”
“You can get a drink from the water fountain in the park Horace, now scoot"
Huh, interesting examples of poorly run franchises. The one thing the Suns HAVE had for a long time is an excellent training and medical staff. Sarver is a jackass but at least he understands the value of protecting “his” assets.
And all the stars in the Southern sky blinked, for they were now in the thrall of Hatless IV
I’m not a fan of the “Gypsy King” but damn he moves well for a man his size.
Boogie looked more focused and effective than he's been in a long time so maaaaybe?
Short answer: No one is pretending that MMA or Boxing or any other combat sport is “safe".
You definitely weren’t in Italy then. I think the City Motto of Rome was changed to "Death Before Yielding" around 1920 or so
The only Left Lane Cruiser that doesn’t suck.
Had a Camaro as a rental recently (free upgrade, I said what the hell) and good goddamn you can’t see shit out of the back window. A bus could hide in its blind spot. Didn’t prevent me from Vroom-Vroom Beep-Beeping all over San Antonio like an asshole
A posit:
Have you considered as outright curse being laid upon the Dubs by an east bay Juju practitioner?
Hmmm... the Raptors certainly seemed a little shell-shocked coming into the 3rd quarter 🤔
As a TTID sort of Spurs fan I had to take my hat off to them. Matip was seemingly everywhere even if we did have some rotten luck early.
Counterpoint: That scary SOB ain't human
This world is definitely killing me