Pay this man his money
Pay this man his money
It was an iffy call at best and put Spurs on the back foot immediately. I’m an unabashed Tottenham fan but that was some weak tea
That’s some quality kinja. Thank you
He and Z-Bounds were a pretty solid frontcourt
That’s fair I suppose. Market valuation is an inexact process when it comes to human beings.
Are.....are you against adequate parking and peanuts??
Anything that forces the defensive scheme to do more is good.
Here’s your star.
That’s some Clue Heywood level twittering
Interesting how many folks in the comments are picking out individual refs of yesteryear to lambast and yet don't get that that sort of notoriety is exactly the point of your piece. Also, Devin Kurant will return by game 3
Tickets and Merch you dipshit. Not to mention leverage in their local TV deals. Names matter when you want to reduce players to financial values.
Oh please nothing. When your market is LITERALLY 30 groups (who mostly hate each other) and somehow they all decide to pass on peak "win-now" players that's almost certainly not a coincidence.
How fucking high were you when you wore this? I'm not mad, just impressed
I just spit iced teas all over my shirt, take your star.
I carve from the bottom for both lighting and design advantages. It’s easier to scrape all the crap out and If I’m being fancy with my designs I find it’s easier to get a nice thin opaque quality.
Hmmm...Iggy maybe, Boogie out another couple games, KD out for at least Game 1.....
Well done.
Eh... you’ve got like 3 shticks. .....”the youths”.......”but Canada”......”en Francais”
Douche-Chariot. Fuck that's gold