Michael Lally

When I first started living on my own I tossed together a casserole made from the cheapest ingredients that I thought could go together. Rotini mixed with cream of mushroom soup, sour cream, ground pork and a diced onion. Top it with cheddar and bread crumbs and you get a bomb of salt and carbs that I still crave

He was also a producer of Spike Jonze's Where the Wild Things Are, which featured a script co-written by Eggers (perhaps the start of a friendship).

If they insist on playing anyway then they should give Bobby Ellsworth from Overkill a call

Add that to the fact that he's seems to hate comics and people who like them. That whole incident where he insulted she-hulk in a way that proved he knew literally nothing about the character and then went on to call anybody who knew who martian manhunter was a virgin (real original insult there).

Complete agreement here. Now there's a band that deserves way more love


Love everything about this article. Excellent piece. Though I will say that Metallica shouldn't be credited with inventing the idea of a "metal ballad". The guys were huge Iron Maiden fans and when they wrote Fade To Black they took cues from Remember Tommorow. I wouldn't call it a ripoff song or anything but if you

I saw him in austin a few years ago (it was recorded and released as Kevin Smith Burn in Hell) he described an incident where they were fighting and he yelled asking why she even stays with him and she yelled back

Walking Is Still Honest - Against Me!

Supernova - Liz Phair

Don't Wanna Know if You Are Lonely - Husker Du

Ball and Chain - Social Distortion

And because he's watching Halloween, he's literally yelling "Look out Jamie!"

And when he's "dying" he walks towards sidney, reaching out to her and weakly saying her name. At first you just think it's a less than stellar moment of acting from Skeet Ulrich himself. Then when he's revealed as the killer it turns out to actually be foreshadowing that he's not really dead. Since he's neither in

As with many things the conclusion of this movie can be summed up with simpsons quotes

Actually I felt the reveal cast some of his actions in a new light. Yes while what he did to Kim was wholly unjustified think about it. He's running a giant law firm after his partner has a mental breakdown and in his mind Kim just lost a big client. Add that to chuck making him do his dirty work while dealing with

Actually he mentioned it in one of his podcasts. He was talking with Alan Ball and it was recent news. Apparently he's dated two guys who used to go to those parties (though he says that he dated them long after they were considered "too old"). Alan Ball also said that he went to a party like that once but left

Can't forget One Hour Photo

Danny Boyle wasn't hired to make this movie. It was a passion project of his, and I think he only got to make it because of how successful Slumdog Millionaire was. The way you phrase it at the start makes it sound like he was a hired gun for a producer

It's one of those things where you say "I refuse to believe that was the best take they shot"