Michael Lally

Check her out in John August's movie The Nines, she's excellent in it

There was that bit at the end of the 1st season finale at the Christmas pageant where she is talking to Healy and she says "if you call another inmates family with your lesbian witch hunt shit, i will destroy you, your mail order bride will leave you and you will never work again. Get some fucking therapy man". Her

I like to think that them getting jk Rowling to write it and her agree to is an indication of a least a few fucks being given. It's not like they needed her permission to make this movie (pretty sure they have the right to just make another harry potter movie that's not affiliated with the books if they wanted but

your mistaking jonathan demme for Ted demme

Purple pens?

The Pretenders "Kid"

Living Colour "Cult of Personality"

Liz Phair "Supernova"

Husker Du "Divide and Conquer"