
Left a bad job in D.C.
Workin’ for the Don ev’ry night and day
And I never lost one minute of sleepin’
Worryin’ ‘bout the poor or minorities

Not shade, information.

I would’ve gone with “YES, PRESIDENT TRUMP IS GOLFING AGAIN” instead, but I can understand if they can’t say whatever is really on their minds.

It’s almost as if they want would be assassins to know where he is.

The fact that it’s not even in journalistic parlance - ‘President Trump not at White House’ would be the stylistically correct phrase - and rather typed in a personal tone makes it even more hilarious. You can almost see and FEEL the CBSN chyron writer turning his head and doing a deadpan Jim-face stare into the

“President Trumps not there, he is in Florida - Damnit”

Every single time one of these events occurs, it takes me back to my senior year of high school, when we had an “active shooter” event. I will NEVER forget it. We were in the cafeteria at lunch when the assistant principal rushed in and yelled for everyone to get into the gym immediately (The gym was connected to the

I had the same feelings about a man who tried to molest me when I was 13. I was already the social geeky outcast, and at that point where you’re trying to figure out what and who you are. I’m sorry you still carry that weight of asking yourself what’s wrong inside you. You’re wonderful and good, what those men did was

All the hugs in the world to you! Thank you for sharing your story here. You’re helping others more than you could possibly imagine by doing so.

Love and light to you.

The slip up will be epic!