
Jazz hands were held high tonight

They also work with Netflix on the YouTube series Queens Who Watch. Where they and other queens riff on Netflix shows. 

Jesus, even when this site tries to be “objective” it fails miserably.

Huh. Between this and their investigation of Joss Whedon, I’m starting to think Warner Brothers is not very good at responding to harassment complaints. 

an embedded tweet taking the place of a title and fleshed out article, as seems to be the specialty of someone who has in the past written about how we should all just leave twitter?

“On my office chair?!?”

*runs screaming into the night*

This is probably the only thing about this whole fucking mess that he is concerned about. I am sure the FCC will be looking into this Nielson guy any day. “FAKE VIEWS!” 

lol the civility argument again. Every conservative I know is an asshole who loves Trump regardless of what he does, fuck them and their feelings

Is that what “honestly listening to other people who disagree with you” looks like? All I see is a condescending assumption and personal attack. Way to be the change you seek, brain genius.

I define conservatives by the policy positions that they support. Many of those policies are hateful, discriminatory, and harmful to the majority of our country’s residents. So I ascribe those values to their supporters. How else am I to do it?

Cheering on an administration and republican leadership (along with members of democratic leadership) who celebrate demonizing minorities and women, shooting rubber bullets and tear gas at migrants, and fucking over the poor and working class every chance they can get is not a “disagreement.” It is literally a

After two years of a Trump Presidency where he still has the support of the vast majority of the GOP, I don’t think anyone is approaching this from some sort of ignorance as to what “Conservatives” believe or what their values are. 

I find it hilarious in that depressing sort of way, personally.

Left a bad job in D.C.
Workin’ for the Don ev’ry night and day
And I never lost one minute of sleepin’
Worryin’ ‘bout the poor or minorities

I would’ve gone with “YES, PRESIDENT TRUMP IS GOLFING AGAIN” instead, but I can understand if they can’t say whatever is really on their minds.

The fact that it’s not even in journalistic parlance - ‘President Trump not at White House’ would be the stylistically correct phrase - and rather typed in a personal tone makes it even more hilarious. You can almost see and FEEL the CBSN chyron writer turning his head and doing a deadpan Jim-face stare into the

“President Trumps not there, he is in Florida - Damnit”