Michael Kelehan

Great to see Kamiko on that list. Really fun little $5 game.

Vague Celeste spoilers ahead:

I like the little breadsticks. Do your worst.

My wife isn’t a big gamer, aside from puzzle games on her tablet, but she absolutely respects that some games can’t be paused, and has no problem coming back after a few minutes so we can talk between rounds. Even if you don’t actively participate in your partner’s interests, it’s really helpful if you understand and

It’s possible that some people got the Wii U version before getting a Switch, which is basically the only excuse to have a Switch and not have this game.

It’s possible that some people got the Wii U version before getting a Switch, which is basically the only excuse to

The first is based on the original MSX game, but Snake’s Revenge is an action game made with no Kojima involvement that has nothing to do with Metal Gear 2.

I have absolutely no problem with people asking if there will be a version on their preferred system. I do, however, have a problem with continuously asking that question to the same person, and not taking “no” or “we’re looking into it” or “no plans yet” for an answer.

I had this game, and had a good laugh at that when I saw it... but can we say this was “hidden” and it was “discovered?” It’s in fairly large text on front of the disc. I have to imagine most people saw it.

And since Taito is owned by Square Enix, there’s a gooooood chance you’ll find it there.

If you have a PSVR, you MUST play this. If you are planning to get a PSVR, you MUST wait until you get it to play this. Having your first playthrough of this game in VR is the most amazing gaming experience I’ve had in 30 years.

If you have a PSVR, you MUST play this. If you are planning to get a PSVR, you MUST wait until you get it to play

The linked article is about a P-Series TV, and this is the S-Series. The S-Series is the step-down version of the P-Series. Not that these are bad values, far from it! Just keep that in mind when reading the article and making your decision.

The linked article is about a P-Series TV, and this is the S-Series. The S-Series is the step-down version of the

Sonic Adventure on Gamecube. Although they were further apart.

Don’t buy them either.

Exactly. Don’t spend it on loot boxes. Spend it on Blizzard’s next game.

I’d definitely disagree with “its prime.” Still a viable platform for sure, but it’s definitely on the decline. And also, MH4 was released in the US almost three years ago.

There are too many great games on the 3DS to ignore. I’d say, if you don’t have one yet, definitely get one. Its best days are behind it, but those were some great days, and those games are still available.

The whole idea is that it was a love letter to the 80s. Why would Tracer be in there?

Also Until Dawn: Rush of Blood for PSVR.

I was surprised “Options” was greyed out when I played the demo, but since it DOES have options, there’s no way that y-axis isn’t one of them.

I didn’t read the announcement as saying that ALL Gen 3 will be available in December. The announcement said: