Michael Kelehan

Why not unlock the phone and shove in his AT&T SIM?

Looks like the foundation is there. Looking forward to seeing how this turns out.

Okay, then that’s based on your personal rank, not fights. Only people near your rank can send hunters. Keep a Brainshroom on hand to deal with them.

You can change your team. Go for somewhere with a low population, so you don’t get in any fights.

When I started dating my now-wife, I asked if she wanted to play Rock Band. She said yes. I then asked if she wanted guitar, drums, or vocals... and she froze. Nobody had ever asked her that before. Everyone just put the microphone in her hand.

When I started dating my now-wife, I asked if she wanted to play Rock Band. She said yes. I then asked if she wanted guitar, drums, or vocals... and she froze. Nobody had ever asked her that before. Everyone just put the microphone in her hand.

Re: the 8bitdo Twincube speakers:

“Hi, Target? Please give us back those Switches. We’re going to give them to Best Buy.”

I was really hoping they’d pull a Bayonetta and announce a surprise port of the first game. The Switch is basically the only way I want to play JRPGs now, aside from the Vita/PSTV combo.

Microsoft: “We’ve got a very powerful system, twice as expensive as our current one, and a few timed exclusives that don’t really need it.”

It’s a remake of Return of Samus. So it’s not too bad.

Now playing

Love this game. One of my (very few) complaints about it is that the first level’s music comes on a little strong:

Update 6/2/2017: We’ve removed Uncharted 4 to make room for Nier: Automata.”

The blog post indicates that the name change was necessary, because “Beam” doesn’t play well in some parts of the world. Does anyone know what that means? Does it have some connotation I don’t know about?

I don’t think this will mean a reduction in sales. I don’t know the revenue model for Game Pass, but I’m certain a publisher will make more on a sale (even at a high discount) than they’d make being one of the dozen games you play that month.

Will there be an audiobook for Blood, Sweat, and Pixels? I’ve got a long commute, and do more listening than reading these days, but I’m definitely interested.

That’s the main reason I hope this happens here: Prime preorder discount, and Best Buy’s Gamer’s Club Unlocked. If I could get the lowest price AND a digital game, that would be fantastic.

As long as there’s no gacha element, I’m in.

I think Mario Kart 8 Deluxe will have zero DLC, because I think that Mario Kart 9 is actively in development, and all new content is going there.

Never. The “Mario” name is infinitely more recognizable among young children and (more importantly) their gift-buying parents.