I think Mario Kart 9 will include a lot more non-Mario racers (Samus and Kirby for sure), and then maybe they’ll open it to guest characters like Smash. Sonic would surely be first on the list.
I think Mario Kart 9 will include a lot more non-Mario racers (Samus and Kirby for sure), and then maybe they’ll open it to guest characters like Smash. Sonic would surely be first on the list.
Looks great! I’ll check it out when it hits 1.o.
By the by, if IGN was given final code to review 2 weeks earlier, they’d have caught that bug, asked Bethesda to fix it, and it’d be patched before the game even launched. That would’ve not only led to a better score, but would’ve made for a better experience for the players.
Would it have really added that much to the cost if they had one more Displayport or HDMI? I just hate that I’d have to go analog for one of them.
I guess Nintendo’s 3DS blowout today is their way of saying “E3 is all Switch all the time.”
Hey, in the first letter (“Whorehouses of Emotion”), the recipient’s city is blurred when it first appears, but not when it reappears at the end.
Looks great, don’t know how I feel about the mini stylus. Why not bring back the telescoping stylus from the OG 3DS?
Any aquariums in that six-foot space?
Every week or so, the Switch needs a hard reboot. Hold the physical power button, click power options, and restart console. Literally the only thing affected by leaving it on for weeks at a time is network connections. It must not be clearing something properly.
I really like Voez. If you like Asian-style rhythm games, definitely worth the price.
Are they going to patch the demo, or are we expected to trust that it’s fixed?
The last strike did save Jesse Pinkman, so there’s that.
But can I have a separate save file for hard mode? Or do I have to make a whole new account to play on hard?
It would have been great if another character’s path explained what happened. Very cool, in fact! But with no in-game explanation, it’s just frustrating.
This is why it’s always crazy when people express anger that a company is being “greedy” and just out to make a profit. Yeah, ultimately, that’s what this is, folks. And there’s nothing wrong with that! But never lose sight of it.
How about recording a video where you don’t TURN AROUND IMMEDIATELY AS THE THING HAPPENS
Twice in the article, you say that the new model is “better” than the current New 3DS XL. Not just cheaper, but “better.” Why? Aside from the price, what’s the advantage to not having the slider at all? As you laid out, it’s absolutely inessential, but I’d say the New 3DS’s eye tracking upgrades it from “useless” to…
Honestly, this is why Pokemon Go is the only freemium game that’s ever held my interest. It’s really, really low-key with the IAPs, never bombarding you with banners asking for money. If you run out of balls or storage space, the game will let you know you can buy more, but that’s it. And it’s one of the highest…
They haven’t even said that it will come out in the West. I’d say they’ll probably talk about it at E3. I also think it’s possible that they’d split it up, like NIS did with Danganronpa on the Vita.
Looks great. Sounds great (although they need to cool it with the drums). But, I still don’t get the grimdark military theme. Reeks of Shadow the Hedgehog a little bit.